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  1. takedeepbreaths

    ordering seeds

    You won't get in any trouble for buying seeds. The worst thing that will happen is the seeds get confiscated and you get a letter in the mail.
  2. takedeepbreaths

    Lemon G?

    LOL underground ohio hippie hut. that's funny :lol: I am very interested in g13 haze as well. That's one of my finalists for strains I'm going to get into. How is it looking so far? Is it Barneys?
  3. takedeepbreaths

    help plants look poorly!!!!!!!

    This is from the bible: Nitrogen is the most common nutrient deficiency. The symptoms include slow growth. Lower leaves cannot produce chlorophyll and become yellow between the veins while the veins remain green. Yellowing progresses through the entire leaf, eventually causing it to die and...
  4. takedeepbreaths

    help plants look poorly!!!!!!!

    What nutes are you using? Have you flushed at all? What's your temp and humidity?
  5. takedeepbreaths

    Help Needed!

    I would switch to floros asap. No heat issues and you can keep them just a couple inches above the plants. That's a pretty small area you have to be working with.
  6. takedeepbreaths

    trying to find out gender

    Yes, you can do that, but why not take clones and then sex one from each plant Then you can discard all of the males and flower the remaining female clones. By doing this, you'll get some mother plants. Eventually, you can weed those out and just keep your favorite females. You also avoid...
  7. takedeepbreaths

    Help Needed!

    I would upgrade to at least floros. How long did you plan on using those bulbs?
  8. takedeepbreaths

    Help Needed!

    So what's your question man? Check out the grow journals and FAQ. They should help you a lot.
  9. takedeepbreaths

    Lemon G?

    It's starting for sure. I'm in northern ky and just saw the first of the season about a week ago. Howard, if you need a friend I'm here bro. ;-)
  10. takedeepbreaths

    I'm so confused...

    I'm not trying to be a complete ass here (although it sounds like it), but the answers to all of your questions are already in this forum and all over the internet. Use Google or the search function located here. I mean the last question on how often to feed the plants... it's on the bottle. It...
  11. takedeepbreaths

    ventilation set up - please help!

    Thanks for the advice! I'll try that sleeping foam so I hopefully can just bypass the muffler.
  12. takedeepbreaths

    ventilation set up - please help!

    I've been reading for weeks and weeks and I have to say this forum blows all the others away. Anyway, I'm wanting to set something up (all in my head of course - I'd never do this in real life :lol:). If I had a set up with the following, would it work out fine? It seems like there are many...