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  1. scottarm2013

    Bad Spice Trip

    yes stay away from spice i already heard this but tryed it anyway, BIG MISTAKE smoked some smelt like blueberry friend made a fat joint maybe half a gram tricked me i needed that much being a big smoker and i sucked it out big hits soon as i walked in could feel it starting and could feel it...
  2. scottarm2013

    reveging plants is reveg worth it

    here you go slim jim
  3. scottarm2013

    reveging plants is reveg worth it

    hi slim jim seems to be the other way on this exsperiment ive reveg 3 the one with the least is growing best and started reveg fastest not even got deformed growth only 3 blade leaf but not deformed other 2 have small 1 leaf growth on every bud site. yes im on 24 hour light will upload some...
  4. scottarm2013

    reveging plants is reveg worth it

    one of my plants looks to be dying buds turning brown and older leaves is this normal for reveg?
  5. scottarm2013

    reveging plants is reveg worth it

    cannabis love that looks pretty impressive looks tripple the yeild
  6. scottarm2013

    reveging plants is reveg worth it

    thanks skunkdoc i will try this as they grow, left about 30 lil buds on 1 plant 9 on another and 3 on guessing less is better so far?
  7. scottarm2013

    reveging plants is reveg worth it

    heres the white widow i got realy purple buds look to be streching back out but no new leaf growth as of yet
  8. scottarm2013

    reveging plants is reveg worth it

    heres a pic of reveg taking place no single leaf looks to be braching strait away leaves are only slightly deformed not serated not quite what i was exspecting better i supose
  9. scottarm2013

    reveging plants is reveg worth it

    hi waterdawg ive heard of this and wanted to try it out so am trying it heard you can get real monsters, the reason everyone doesnt do it is because it takes the same time or longer than to clone and a little more work, i guy told me he did this twice but didnt attempt a third time as he had to...
  10. scottarm2013

    reveging plants is reveg worth it

    7 oz 230 w cfl wow id be happy with half that with my 600w hps, im just learning and espect ill be aiming higher in the future
  11. scottarm2013

    reveging plants is reveg worth it

    hopeing to get it nice and bushy like yours rickstein what did you yeild off that?
  12. scottarm2013

    reveging plants is reveg worth it

    hi someacdude any pics? would like to see what 2 months looks like in reveg
  13. scottarm2013

    reveging plants is reveg worth it

    thanks rikinstien will try that sounds good was wondering what i was going to do with the bud sites so should i just slice em all off with scalpol or just cut into the buds?
  14. scottarm2013

    reveging plants is reveg worth it

    hi stevie im using a 600w duel spec bulb for 12 hours a day and 3, 8w flourecnt household bulbs for the other 12, probly not enuff light just enuff to keep her awake 1 thing ive just thought of is i gave a 3 or 4 day dark period before chop then straight into 24 hours maybe that gave a boost...
  15. scottarm2013

    reveging plants is reveg worth it

    hi stevie im using a 600w duel spec bulb for 12 hours a day and 3, 8w flourecnt household bulbs for the other 12, probly not enuff light just enuff to keep her awake 1 thing ive just thought of is i gave a 3 or 4 day dark period before chop then straight into 24 hours maybe that gave a boost...
  16. scottarm2013

    reveging plants is reveg worth it

    i have had plants on reveg for 1 week havnt cut rootballs yet. do i still cut rootball even tho ive had em on 24 hours light for 1 week? one plant the ceres skunk has new single leaf growth already this is faster than i exspected thought it took 3 or 4 weeks so im not exspecting nothing from...
  17. scottarm2013

    reveging plants is reveg worth it

    mixed views i will try it out anyway but ill get a few seeds on the go incase it doesnt work, one plant was suposed to be kaya gold but was the frostiest plant ive ever seen, very nice but didnt get much as it had a hard life dug up from outside and finished inside was very streached so only...
  18. scottarm2013

    reveging plants is reveg worth it

    am trying to reveg 3 plants from my first grow and was wondering if it was worth it. have seen mixed reviews some saying will get more bud some saying ill get less any help plz? should i start fresh or keep the ones im trying to reveg
  19. scottarm2013

    bit late but did this look ready

    thats one with 3 main colas i do have 2 more out of pic tho
  20. scottarm2013

    4 weeks into flower do they look ok

    yes counted from pistols did a dark period to get em going, also tryed to speed things up by dropping light time to 10 hours still looks like it wants to get fatter well im hoping so