reveging plants is reveg worth it

am trying to reveg 3 plants from my first grow and was wondering if it was worth it.

have seen mixed reviews some saying will get more bud some saying ill get less

any help plz?

should i start fresh or keep the ones im trying to reveg


Well-Known Member
am trying to reveg 3 plants from my first grow and was wondering if it was worth it.

have seen mixed reviews some saying will get more bud some saying ill get less

any help plz?

should i start fresh or keep the ones im trying to reveg
Hey Scott,

The only way that you will get more bud is if the plant is bigger than when you flowered her last time (It's the same plant.. genetics)

I haven't done it but I plan to do it with a super cheese I have in flower just now, what I read about it is that it can take months just to show signs of revegging, so if they are worth keeping then yes of course but if they were just run of the mill plants then start again mate, a lot quicker plus you get to try some different strains, If you do start again take cutting just incase, you never no what it might turn out like ...



Well-Known Member
i attempted it once but it dyed. i left a few limbs on. cut about a third of root ball away repotted but she didnt make it. i was trying to keep a strain i got from bag seed and couldnt identify, didnt work. i do a perpetual so could keep her in veg but she wouldnt go.


Well-Known Member
you can reveg bro. I've done it and it was easy. switch to 18/6 and wait. it doesn't matter how big it was before.

edit: pop that plant out of its pot and prune back 20% of the root ball. then repot with new soil.
mixed views i will try it out anyway but ill get a few seeds on the go incase it doesnt work,

one plant was suposed to be kaya gold but was the frostiest plant ive ever seen, very nice but didnt get much as it had a hard life dug up from outside and finished inside was very streached so only got half oz, and i chopped my seedsman white widow a few weeks early due to home repairs being done so thats a mellow high just wanted to see if could finish it properly this time
and the third plant ceres skunk just for the sake of it

also when reading up on reveg says chop so not much plant is left could i leave like 1 or 2 foot and get a monster plant or do i need to cut it right back


Well-Known Member
My mate left them big well not massive about a foot....and they ended up with massive stems with bushy tops they where metal looking and every day he went in they were bent to the light , he had to wall mount the light with the size they ended up, they were mental things as if they were people moving to get into the sun .....

But he got a decent yield and good bud


Well-Known Member
Hi Scott,
As a routine procedure instead of starting fresh...I say no. Just takes too much time. But as a means of saving valuable genetics, it's easy and reliable.

Follow Dannyboy's advice and cut back roots. Be sure to leave enough stem, branches, and leaves.
i have had plants on reveg for 1 week havnt cut rootballs yet. do i still cut rootball even tho ive had em on 24 hours light for 1 week? one plant the ceres skunk has new single leaf growth already this is faster than i exspected thought it took 3 or 4 weeks

so im not exspecting nothing from the other 2 for another week or 2.

also 2 of my plants have purple leaves will the new growth be green ( i like the purple) seedsman white widow and kaya gold


Well-Known Member
I am yet to do this so I am looking on to see what's being said..... A leaf already, what power light is it under ?


Well-Known Member
reveg def works. i dont have room for a mother plant so i reveg. working on a bubble cloner now so i dont have to reveg.
i just try to time my revegging plants to be in and out of my box at the right times doesn't always work but dialing it in.
plus i save money on seeds by revegging. not that i care about that just saying.
reveg in a small pot i do not remove anything i take a razor blade insert 1/2 inch and make 4 vertical cuts around pot to induce to root growth.

these 3 pics are from seed g13 pineapple express(seed planted may 1). first 2 are august 1 the dried bud is 7g harvested sept 1.
lukes cell 413.jpglukes cell 410.jpglukes cell 443.jpg
these 3 are the same pineapple express revegged. took about a month to reveg then throw right into flowering. will be harvesting about december 15.
so 2 harvest from same plant in 6-8 months i dont find to bad. this plant is heat and light sensitive so leaves look shitty. will be revegging again to prove to myself i can grow it flawlessly.
10-20 043.jpg10-20 042.jpg10-20 041.jpg
the taller bucket in the sideways pic is same plant revegged in the tall bucket in the second pic.
harvest 2.5 ounces first harvest 3.5 ounces second harvest. first time grown indoor second time revegged outdoor.(about 3 weeks to reveg)
like one commented yield is mostly depended on veg time.
image.jpglukes cell 469.jpg
hi stevie im using a 600w duel spec bulb for 12 hours a day and 3, 8w flourecnt household bulbs for the other 12, probly not enuff light just enuff to keep her awake

1 thing ive just thought of is i gave a 3 or 4 day dark period before chop then straight into 24 hours maybe that gave a boost just a guess


Well-Known Member
I did one from 3 weeks in flower before reveged it for a month longer and took clones off it . looks ok. knock on wood
hi stevie im using a 600w duel spec bulb for 12 hours a day and 3, 8w flourecnt household bulbs for the other 12, probly not enuff light just enuff to keep her awake

1 thing ive just thought of is i gave a 3 or 4 day dark period before chop then straight into 24 hours maybe that gave a boost just a guess


Active Member
I jusr veged for almost 2 months, so much for the guy who was going to help me , they are in the flower room now and almost 3 feet tall, im going to 12/12 tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
am trying to reveg 3 plants from my first grow and was wondering if it was worth it.

have seen mixed reviews some saying will get more bud some saying ill get less

any help plz?

should i start fresh or keep the ones im trying to reveg
Despite all the negitive answers, I do this all the time (now) and yes I get crazy branches and yes more bud off of it because there's more branches and it's just as good as the first round..........NOTE: I have found that if I clip the small popcorn buds that I left behind about 2 weeks into reveg, it goes into overdrive and each location where the budlet used to be is now about 4 to 5 branches, and super crops itself with very little training...good luck...
thanks rikinstien will try that sounds good was wondering what i was going to do with the bud sites so should i just slice em all off with scalpol or just cut into the buds?