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  1. 4

    FYI, OLD thread from - "Do clones get more potent with age?"

    Many attributes at play here. Yes the clones are passed on any degenerative issues and diseases from the mom. Healthy moms healthy clones. Sick moms pass that along and make sick clones that are then prone to pests and diseases. However this is only apparent in clones the amount of seeds...
  2. 4

    CO2 advice

    Btw co2 helps plants deal with hot conditions. After installing co2 in the greenhouse the ladies thrived in temps over 95!!!
  3. 4

    CO2 advice

    U can avoid the co2 in ur tent by upping your exhaust. Suck out all the stale air every minute and it will b replaced with co2 rich air every minute. Exhaust straight outside. If u inject co2 and exhaust u are wasting money.
  4. 4


    It's perpetual, I take down every 2.5 wks....I fill up every 2.5 wks
  5. 4

    Perpetual harvest, lighting question..

    U can can put ur clones on a 5gal bucket or something to get them up off the ground....
  6. 4

    So how many people use CO2 on their grows, and whats the results like?

    Plants breathe in co2 during the day, so it is a very essential part of the life cycle. How much depends on a lot of factors. In a negative pressure environment all of the air in the room is continuously being exhausted thus constantly filling the room with co2 rich air. In a closed environment...
  7. 4


    Headband (chem d x mass super skunk x chem d) organic, tasty, powerful!
  8. 4

    2013 Indoor grow and show. show your sick indoor grow from this yr

    Headband ( chem d x mass super skunk x chem d) veganic, bio. intense