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  1. T

    Yellow spots on tips of leaves ?

    Ok I got 4 ladies under 600 w hps first week of flowering the rest of my plants are doing great but there is one that seems to have brown spots outlined in yellow on the tips of the leaves it seems to be only on the new growth. I've been feeding ff nutes for veg and will be continuing the ff...
  2. T

    Out of town and underwatered

    Thanks a lot guys !! :)
  3. T

    Out of town and underwatered

    Here she is please help!!!
  4. T

    Out of town and underwatered

    Here's the skinny I'm using sunshine #4 mix with perlite and ffof full line of fox farm nutes under t5 as of right now till I get my tent free for some space for the new girls. I was out of town over the weekend and I watered the baby's before I left an when I returned to my surprise was...
  5. T

    THC Bomb Grow Journal

    Love this thread happy growing!!!!
  6. T

    Leaves going into a V shape

    That looks like heat stress to me any fans in your room ?