Out of town and underwatered

Here's the skinny

I'm using sunshine #4 mix with perlite and ffof full line of fox farm nutes under t5 as of right now till I get my tent free for some space for the new girls.

I was out of town over the weekend and I watered the baby's before I left an when I returned to my surprise was my four baby's dropping from underwatering. I proceeded to water with Normal ph6.8 water and it had been one full day and the other three jumped back fine but the one that was I front of the fan is still not looking to Hott how long will it take to get back to Normal or will it ever come back !?!?!?


Active Member
Don't you think this fan might be the problem ? Too much wind I think for these leaves ! It happened to me once when I didn't get enough place and the fan just fucked up the closer ones :leaf: !


Well-Known Member
About all you can do is keep it properly watered and fed. You set it back some and may lose some foliage but I bet is pulls through. If those uppermost parts of the plant don't perk up soon I would consider topping them back to the first healthy node. I think the plant might be better off putting energy into regrowth after a topping than try to repair the damage, but this is just a guess.


Well-Known Member
The fan may be a problem depending how high it's on. I'm sure it will come back with the proper conditions. Just give it time.