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  1. vanthiectu

    One White Widow, One Purple Widow

    I got a purple widow plant and holland hope. The bigger one is holland hope..They are a enhance strain! both gonna be a very big plant. These are 13 days old from seeds.
  2. vanthiectu

    Worm Poop

    I only use worm poop for my plants. After many trials and error. I found out that during the first 6 weeks from seed I use nothing but worm casting. The real thing though 100 percent worm casting! Here is 2 of my plants at only 13 days old from when the seeds crack. The bigger leaf plant is...
  3. vanthiectu

    HELP! Leaves at the top of the plant are shrinking/curling over!

    keep flushing it for the next week, or when you see new leafs thrive looking pale light green. Thats the only thing that you can do for nute overdose. I suggest you use organic fert. Organic fert wont burn your plant and it have most of the micro nute, such as calcium,zinc,magnisium the most...
  4. vanthiectu

    HELP! Leaves at the top of the plant are shrinking/curling over!

    If the leaves are curling downward and shrinking. Most of the times it is cause by either over watering. Are if you are over fertilizing then it will just curl down useally ! Most lightly you are over water or your drainage sucks. Check to see if your drainage drains properly, and only...