One White Widow, One Purple Widow

Damn, dog! Me too! I wish I could have been there with ya ta help ya out with ya grow... When I was 9, I used ta live right by ya... well, general area... If I knew better at that age, I'd be doin' tha same thang, bro.
I need sum suggestions on watering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my plant is about 3" tall and i have it in about a 1 1/2 quart tupperware container, the soil drain's very well, i keep the room temp between 72 78 with about 35% humidity, so how often should i water and how much, i gotta get my plant's on a schedule,also how much light should i give them right now it's about 16hrs full light an about 8hrs partial light, mind you theyre still seedling's and im sort of a newb I neeeed helllpppp!!!!!!!! Take a Look
hey man i noticed u finished the grow by june 1.
how did this happen? usually those strains finish around october...

What people dont understand is that marijuana flowers in the spring as well. most people dont have temperatures that allow them to place plants outside during this time but I do.

I vegged planted till march then place them outside. They usually finish around may.
Ohhhhhhh my gosh, I love that purple widow picture.
I got some PPP seeds, and I don't know that much about the likely hood of the plants being purple, especially if I can't keep the temperatures cold, but I really hope it turns out like yours, wow.
looks like the UV did them good... that leaf's turning the same purp as the bud, but it's raised like a lesion. makes me wonder...

awesome plants!
I got a purple widow plant and holland hope. The bigger one is holland hope..They are a enhance strain! both gonna be a very big plant. These are 13 days old from seeds.