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  1. mhender15

    Introducing Myself

    Its alot easier than you think it will be. I started a few seeds in a wet paper towel and almost two months later I am where I am today. I am a pretty big newb as well but the biggest mistake i see people make on here is they use way to many nutes and burn their plants, and then post a pic...
  2. mhender15

    MaLe Or FeMaLE? Gotta know

    Thats a fucking ugly ass plant. You have let that thing grow way to long!
  3. mhender15

    Female or Hermie

    Female !!!!!! Kick ass
  4. mhender15

    What do you think?

    Thats fucking weird looking... i dont know but I dont grow out door but I would say male or hermie
  5. mhender15


    I agree with wyteberrywidow I put my CLFs as close as possible 2 inthats the great things about CFLs
  6. mhender15

    So I Have No Idea What I Am Doing Please Help!

    I tried to post the best pic I could my camera sucks but yeah I dont know why one of my plants is showing are yours isnt sorry bro!
  7. mhender15

    So I Have No Idea What I Am Doing Please Help!

    Thanks .......yeah I feel pretty good about it seems like they are taking along time but I want them to be really bushy so I can produce more herb
  8. mhender15

    So I Have No Idea What I Am Doing Please Help!

    Well the one on the left has white pistols coming out every where I dont really know how because they still are on 18/6
  9. mhender15

    So I Have No Idea What I Am Doing Please Help!

    So here is a update the plant on the left is showing signs of sex and its female. The larger plant in the middle still has no signs and I have been vegging for almost two months but i guess it donesnt start showing in most cases until flowering. The plant on the right is about 3 weeks behind but...
  10. mhender15

    ima total noob at growing..its my first and i need help!

    I would say its too early to tell. You wont know for a bit. I am on my first grow as well but my plant looks like a giant compared to yours and I cant tell yet and I have had mine for 6 or 7 weeks (Posted Below). It looks fine but you need CLFs asap if you want it to grow good luck.
  11. mhender15

    rockwool questions

    I dont use rockwoll cube unless I am cloaning. I would use wet paper towel that way you know you dont have a dud then once the seed has craked which takes about 48 hours then I would go into soil and with in about 3 to 4 days you have the first two leaves. If you seeds work then I would say no...
  12. mhender15

    Yellow bottom leaves

    Well true....... but the ones on the bottom typically dont branch off and they point downwards. maybe they need to be transplanted into a bigger pot but. I plant mine in 3 gallon and that shit always happens but I am not a expert londoner has posted alot more soo I am sure he is right
  13. mhender15

    budding ?

    toss it bro or use it as a house plant :)
  14. mhender15

    Clones-14 days photos

    thats really werid looking never seen anything like it
  15. mhender15

    Yellow bottom leaves

    its normal. the leafs that point downward near the bottom are called fan leafs and they are supposed to fall off if they point upwards then you might have something to worry about.....your good
  16. mhender15

    Help somethings wrong with my leafs!

    that soil has nutes in it its what I have been using I havent been adding anything how old is your plant
  17. mhender15

    clone are flowering !!

    Wow that I first I mean I am pretty new on here but I have never heard of anyone cutting the pistils before lol that cant be good
  18. mhender15

    Small setup, any very noticible problems? got pics

    Yeah man just get those clamp lights you can get them all wall mart or home depot in the construction isle. $10 each or if you feeling constructive buy your self the house light bulb mounts you would put in your room for a normal light and splice the wires from what ever you want that plugs into...
  19. mhender15

    Will a Plant preflower before the 12/12?

    mine did today I am really excited. Everyone was telling me you have to wait for 12/12 to be able to tell sex and pre flower and mine started today but I am on week 6 and I am still 18/6
  20. mhender15

    Aluminum foil

    I use foil with mine and I am in week 6 am they look really good. My plants are not touching the foil though I dont know if that makes a difference