rockwool questions


Well-Known Member
Ok....I germinated my seeds....

I soaked my starter rockwool starters over night in 5.0ph water. I then took them out gave them a squeeze leaving some water in them, and placed the seed in.

I haven't seen any growth since though?

I have them in a tray, with the humidity dome on top. Then my t5 cfl's lighting it all. temps are ok.

about how long does it take for the plant to break the surface?

Also when can i stick my starter cube into a larger 3" rockwool cube?


Active Member
I dont use rockwoll cube unless I am cloaning. I would use wet paper towel that way you know you dont have a dud then once the seed has craked which takes about 48 hours then I would go into soil and with in about 3 to 4 days you have the first two leaves. If you seeds work then I would say no more then a week.


Well-Known Member
why not put it in the pot of soil make sure its the one its gonna be in till end transplanting can shock so just grow it in the pot u plan on using rock wole or whatever is crap good for clones putting the rockwole in the soil makes it seem weird when watering cause it seems the soil is wetter tahn rockwole i use the small pellets also there good


Well-Known Member
might have damaged the roots rockwool dont give much
Relax, If they were sprouting when you put them in you should be golden. keep them moist and wait for them to come up THEN put them under the lamp. Put them into the lager ones when the roots come out the small ones. I hand fed mine until they went into the system. You do know how your going to grow right?