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  1. K

    Hurricanes lined up!! check this out!!

    Earthquakes are looking a whole lot better these days. You could not pay me enough to live in the gulf or east coast! Hope everyone stays safe!
  2. K

    Germination temps?

    Ok, removed them from the cable box, removed foil, put in big assed zip locks and put in closet. This better?
  3. K

    Germination temps?

    Anyone know what is too warm/hot?
  4. K

    Germination temps?

    Just got them in mail. I'm worried that they got to hot..........
  5. K

    Germination temps?

    I did the: seeds on a wet paper towel on plate, covered with foil and place on cable box method. Ok, Only 2 out of 15 seeds germinated so far, day 3 now. My cable box is quite warm, could it be too warm, and if so, did I kill the rest of the seeds? Help! these weren't cheap!:weed:
  6. K

    Your Stoner Lingo

    "Riding the subway" = Baked "I'll be your Huckleberry" = I'm next "Looking for the Tidy Bowl Man" = Hitting the bong
  7. K


    What about that congrigation....ummmm oh ya, "Heavens Hash Hitters" They would love to have ya! lol
  8. K


    Hey Mr. Rat. what religion would that be? I'm interested in joining! Currently I belong to Holy Church of Smoke at 10 am, the Church of Noontime Bong Hits, and everyones favorite: All Souls Church of Eternal Joints at 4:20. But a religion that supports a 10pm smoke out, now you've gotten my...
  9. K

    Hello Fellow Potheads!

    Greetings and many good Nugz to you! Just Stopped in to introduce myself. I am currently germinating my next SOG project. Hope to gain some helpfull information here and make a couple of new friends along the way. I'll hit the bong on the way out the door bongsmilie