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  1. noatenshun

    Question about 400W Cooltube

    Hey Dank, I don't know how to insert full sized pic's. I have to click on the thumbnail to view them. I imagine 250 cfm would be sufficient, though it is winter and I may have to crank it up more come summer. Better to have more than need than not enough. I have 2 plants in my tent (5 gal fabric...
  2. noatenshun

    Question about 400W Cooltube

    Figured I'd show pics taken Jan 30, 2 critical jacks. The battery's dead in my camera so I couldn't take a fresh pic, sorry. Next grow will be only 1 plant, delahaze. Probably scrog or mainline, haven't decided yet. I only need about 3 zips to last between grows. Best of luck to ya!
  3. noatenshun

    Question about 400W Cooltube

    My tent is the same dimensions as yours. You'll find usable tent space to be less. I use a 400w Apollo hps/mh dimmable ballast with cooltube and 400 cfm blower/cf and speed controller. You WILL want a speed controller for a 440 cfm fan (overkill for 31ish cubic feet). I have my ducting so that...
  4. noatenshun

    Well Water(high in iron)

    If you know for sure that your well water is no good for growing, the best long-term solution would be a RO system. I don't believe boiling the water will help, in fact it may make the iron concentration higher as it is the water that boils off and not the iron. Kind of like trying to boil off...
  5. noatenshun

    where do i put my thermonitor for accurite reading?

    The top of your plants
  6. noatenshun

    first time ordered w attitude

    Just wanted to update. The Attitude came through with the re-ship. Freebies were different, but they sound pretty awesome (Paradise seeds Delahaze & Wappa). FWIW, the order was for 5 blackjack fems from sweet seeds. Granted, I decided to order from OSSC (Critical Jack) & Nirvana Shop (PPP) as...
  7. noatenshun

    Mystery Strain Day 42 Of Flower...What does everyone think????

    Fair enough, lol! :bigjoint:
  8. noatenshun

    How Many Grams Is 1 Bud?

    The OP could be anywhere by now considering the question was asked over 2 years ago...just sayin'.
  9. noatenshun

    Got some insanely brown stuff from a dispensary

    Seems to me if it were mold you would be able to smell it, as that has been my experience. I'm in favor of smoking it.
  10. noatenshun

    Trichomes in veg possible

    I'm pretty sure it has to do with number of posts.
  11. noatenshun

    Mystery Strain Day 42 Of Flower...What does everyone think????

    Looks nice, but I'm pretty sure there are some more fonts & formatting you haven't tried yet...:shock:
  12. noatenshun

    first time ordered w attitude

    I feel your pain as I got the same nasty surprise as you, with a nice letter inside. This will be my first grow in many years, and this is NOT the way I wanted it to start. In fact it has been about 2 years since last I puffed and lately it's been on my mind. Since I have no connections, I...