Question about 400W Cooltube


Watsup guys
i just piked up a 400w cooltube and a 185cfm inline fan
will this fan be strong enough to keep my tent cool
i am using a 62"tall by 32"x32" width
i was thinking of buying a scrubber combo that comes with a 440cfm inline, will the 440 be strong enough to cool the tube and suck through scrubber??
Thankd in advance RIU


Active Member
My tent is the same dimensions as yours. You'll find usable tent space to be less.
I use a 400w Apollo hps/mh dimmable ballast with cooltube and 400 cfm blower/cf and speed controller. You WILL want a speed controller for a 440 cfm fan (overkill for 31ish cubic feet).
I have my ducting so that my blower/cf are outside the tent, sucking through the cooltube and exhausting through the filter.
While this may not be ideal, it works, keeping the tent about 5 or 6 deg/F above ambient at 1/2 on the speed controller.
I use a furnace filter over the passive intake and inside the cf seeing as how the pre-filter is meant for the outside of the cf (only useful if sucking through).
I only use the 1 fan for cooling and exhaust.



Active Member
Figured I'd show pics taken Jan 30, 2 critical jacks. The battery's dead in my camera so I couldn't take a fresh pic, sorry.
Next grow will be only 1 plant, delahaze. Probably scrog or mainline, haven't decided yet. I only need about 3 zips to last between grows. Best of luck to ya!



Wish i could see the pik just says attached thumbnails
but i guess we have the exact same setup my light is also a 400w apollo hps/mh dimable ballast
so if u use half strenght on ur fan and have the same size tent i do then
would a 250cfm fan work??
how many plants do u have in that tent?
do u have room for two
im veggin two and was plannimg on budding both at same time


Active Member
Hey Dank,
I don't know how to insert full sized pic's. I have to click on the thumbnail to view them.
I imagine 250 cfm would be sufficient, though it is winter and I may have to crank it up more come summer. Better to have more than need than not enough.
I have 2 plants in my tent (5 gal fabric pots). I was going to do 4, but changed my mind as I planned on topping (I topped twice for 4 colas each).
I think 2 will be fine for you as it is working for me, but I can see that 1 well bushed out plant could fill the space.
Or possibly 4 untopped indicas. Keep in mind we ARE height restricted.

Keep in mind I am no expert as I only have a few grows under my belt and those were 10 years ago. They did turn out pretty well though.
My only big mistake (current grow) was trimming too much lowest growth 17 days into flower, which did stunt and learn.
I don't have things dialed in quite yet, but I'll still be smokin' the kind bud soon! Here's a couple pics taken today. Hope you can see them.

