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  1. thetank

    DryIce and budding?

    im only on my first grow, so ive never tried it with dry ice yet, but i would suggest doing some math and figureing out how much dry ice you need. putting too much in the atmosphere can hurt the plant, and possibly kill it. the CO2 calculator is a good place to start.
  2. thetank

    bubbleponic clarity

    im having a little trouble getting my head around exactly how a bubbleponic system works. there is a basin, which holds the water/nutrient solution. which is then pumped to the baskets? are the bubbles supposed to "water" the roots too? or just aerate the water? can the bubbles be used to feed...
  3. thetank

    First Computer Case Grow

    the last post was '07 but i dont care. you've inspired me. this is the first time ive heard of a PC case grow set up. i got 3 old HP netservers out in the garage gathering dust, i think i jsut might make a grow case outta it. if i do, keep your ear to the ground for it, cause im gonna document...
  4. thetank

    day 6 in it a he or she??

    this wont really help your sexing problem, but i have a trick for close ups. i actually use a lice nit comb for close ups as it has a pretty powerful small magnifying glass in it(picture one). haven't had a chance to check out trichroms with it yet, but the second picture was taken from 8...
  5. thetank

    Is anyone old enough to remember

    anyone know where i can get some seeds of this 'monkey paw' now a days?
  6. thetank

    Trash can

    actually i got a buddy with a regular galvanized trash can growing right now. the lights are kind of crappy, but it works. check out my post in the indoor grow section for pix of the plants.
  7. thetank

    Trash Can Plant

    so a, uh...friend of a friend...., got a trash can rig from his ...friend..., so they decided to throw some schwag seeds in it just to test the waters, and if the crop failed, no real loss. heres what they got so far. the plants both had not so good soil for the first month, and barely any...
  8. thetank

    first ever grow

    banana trick?
  9. thetank

    npk ratio in soil not nutrients

    nutrients for a plant is just like nutrients for your body, if you cut them out, things die. no nutrients, no food, no growth. however, if you can cut the soil out, thats where things get fun :)
  10. thetank

    Anyone know what this is?

    so how did those plants do? i just found some slime mold in one of my ladies soil, perks of planting in a clear container is you can see whats going on in the roots. crappy thing is i have to put her in a bigger pot, and i wont be able to see the soil anymore. good thing is from what I've read...