DryIce and budding?


Active Member
Hi People,

So now that i Have a 400w HPD things seem much better. I have a friend that says I should get some dry ice and just put litttle chunks of it in my grow box (closet) and that should help my plants grow faster and thicker. Any advice on this method would be much apprecaited.



Well-Known Member
It will help, the HPS is going to raise temps a little bit, thus increasing plant respiration. Some chunks of CO2 will help, or just refreshing the air as often as you think about it will work as well.


Active Member
im only on my first grow, so ive never tried it with dry ice yet, but i would suggest doing some math and figureing out how much dry ice you need. putting too much in the atmosphere can hurt the plant, and possibly kill it. the CO2 calculator is a good place to start.