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  1. Cat Jockey

    PH is Essential

    I agree with your premise, however that particular chart ain't worth the electrons it is printed on. If you look at that chart you posted, in the lower right corner you can see where the black border has been erased. That is because someone blurred out what used to be above that black line: ©...
  2. Cat Jockey

    Reservoir seeds

    I had one of those SD cuts for a few years. Never could figure out what all of the fuss about Rezdog was, his nute regime and N heavy plants told me all I ever needed to know about him and his 'Porsche Breeding Op'. I still haven't ruled out that all of this Chemdawg91/OG Kush/Diesel family...
  3. Cat Jockey

    Stop blaming "issues" on pH people! aka "ah cant take no mo'!

    Thanks for the welcome. I plan on addressing your post and at least one more from someone, then I'll duck out this thread, for I have littered it enough with my opinions, words and pics. If I cannot manage to lay out my full take on all of this in the space I allotted myself, without asking...
  4. Cat Jockey

    Stop blaming "issues" on pH people! aka "ah cant take no mo'!

    I'm not 100% certain, but I think measuring the pH of organics is not always accurate - could be wrong on that, though. Regardless, I personally classify pure organics as a little different ball game. I know there is some mechanics involved in organics that allows exchange at lower pH too, if...
  5. Cat Jockey

    Stop blaming "issues" on pH people! aka "ah cant take no mo'!

    Here is my take on that second pdf, as it relates to my assertions, specifically treating PPV as drain to waste, and applicability with indoor Sweet Lady Jane farming. To begin with, I don't think this guy takes a rooted orchid cutting, throws it under an HID for a month, having transplanted at...
  6. Cat Jockey

    Stop blaming "issues" on pH people! aka "ah cant take no mo'!

    I appreciate you sharing those, pd. I obviously am not a fan of The Lucas Formula, but think what he and that concoction brought to the table for conversation was awesome for the Sweet Lady Jane farming folks. So, regardless of our individual opinions, hopefully someone new to growing will go...
  7. Cat Jockey

    Stop blaming "issues" on pH people! aka "ah cant take no mo'!

    Not that you care, pd, but got sidetracked. I see I need to read a post of yours, and will, but I gotta get that other pdf banged out first. In the interim, since I have thrown a few things out there, like an overuse of Cal/Mag tied to, among other things, the pH range suggested by the paper...
  8. Cat Jockey

    DWC Spotty Leaves Issue

    You know what, I am going to link you to another thread in this forum. Instead of trying to lat it all out again about pH here, read my posts, that is if you are interested in my opinion. I'll come back here to see if anything I said in that thread interested you and you have any specific...
  9. Cat Jockey

    Stop blaming "issues" on pH people! aka "ah cant take no mo'!

    I read the shorter of the two, and started skimming the longer one - I'll go back and read it through, but I'll start with my thoughts on the 2 pager. For full disclosure, I am a multiple time college drop out, with about 1.5 years left on degrees in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics. Any...
  10. Cat Jockey

    Stop blaming "issues" on pH people! aka "ah cant take no mo'!

    One last caveat I want to add to the info I have presented here. It is, and always has been from me on these weed sites, intended for those old enough to vote. If that ain't you, well, fuggin' scram. And then go knock your parents upside that head for me and tell 'em, "Some Mountain Tick dude...
  11. Cat Jockey

    Stop blaming "issues" on pH people! aka "ah cant take no mo'!

    I have a strong dislike of pH Up & Down. It is pretty easy to complete fuck up your nutrient solution with it, before it ever hits yer ladies feet.
  12. Cat Jockey

    Stop blaming "issues" on pH people! aka "ah cant take no mo'!

    Why don't ya'll grab a bowl, like I just did, and I'll show you a couple of pics from a couple past gardens, to show you what I am talking about. But first, I need to tell you where I sit, before I tell you where I stand. I'm just some freshly registered knucklehead who hopped in a old thread...
  13. Cat Jockey

    Tobacco: Anybody else uses Nasal Snuff?

    Rookie. A fundamental skill of a skibum is to be able to fire a bowl on a lift, in high wind. Joking of course, don't take that the wrong way. I used to drive snowcats and make snow. Major long, hard hours. During snowmaking, you would find many of us with a cigarette in hand, chew in...
  14. Cat Jockey

    Stop blaming "issues" on pH people! aka "ah cant take no mo'!

    I'm not UB, but ... Well, the exact science, no. Need all kinds 'o info. That being said, when you take tap water and add nutes, chemical reactions occur and some of the nutes precipitate out of the solution, never being available to the plant. Fuggin' wasted before you every feed yer ladies...
  15. Cat Jockey

    DWC Spotty Leaves Issue

    What is the pH of your solution, some of your leaves are showing me pH issues? Lights? Why Flora Nova? Flora Nova is tied to the Lucas Formula, an inadequate nutrient regime. GH 3-part is tried, true, rock solid and consistent. And you don't need to blow money on a bottle of Cal/Mag, either.
  16. Cat Jockey

    nutreints keep burning my leaves why?

    Why are you so fixated on AN? Don't believe all 'o da hype. Shit ain't working for ya? Throw it in the trash and go buy other nutrients, that are probably cheaper, and no less effective. There is no 'miracle' solution of nutrients. Don't confuse you lovin' da shit out of yer doggie and...
  17. Cat Jockey

    Stop blaming "issues" on pH people! aka "ah cant take no mo'!

    Not trying to tell people they are wrong, merely present my view on the subject, and support that view, if needed. Read your first post, UB, and have to disagree with it a bit. I have seen more plant pics on the infirmary boards over the years that have a pH issue, than probably most any other...