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  1. D

    Anyone have information about the geoengineering over california? Abstract : The purpose of this research was to investigate and characterize the in vitro cellular effects of exposing rat lung macrophages to aluminum oxide nanoparticles (30 and 40nm average size) compared to...
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    Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me!
  3. D

    Shasta County...did any of you attend?

    There was many people speaking, even a woman from Spain flew in to speak which is viewable in the full length version. The beginning speaker, Dane Wigington, is always a great presenter. Other notable speakers: Allan Buckmann, Former Military Meteorologist/Fish and Game Biologist (19:15)...
  4. D

    Anyone have information about the geoengineering over california?

    Feel free to browse the whole report as I only made some highlights regarding "chemtrails" scientifically referred to as: aerosol injection, aerosol trails or Solar Radiation Management. Again, aerosol injection is only one method to geoengineering, and if you have any critical thinking skills...
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    Drought season, ain't talking bout cannabis either...

    Feel free to browse the whole report as I only made some highlights regarding "chemtrails" scientifically referred to as: aerosol injection, aerosol trails or Solar Radiation Management. Again, aerosol injection is only one method to geoengineering, and if you have any critical thinking skills...
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    Anyone have information about the geoengineering over california?

    1,000 gallons a day, has been over 3 months.... Do not take offense, as I quite didn't understand where you stand with the wasting water issue. So as long as the rate at which we waste water does not surpass the rate at which we use water for ag. it is ok with you? Sorry if that is too much of...
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    Drought season, ain't talking bout cannabis either...

    This article is one year old, and yet, only further proves that these 'events' where water is involved is most likely planned. I mean, CalAm hasn't found a 1,000 gallons a day leak in 3 months if not more. There has also been other water leaks around CA. Also, the various seafood warnings and...
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    Anyone have information about the geoengineering over california?

    They talk as if its a proposal, but it has been going on for decades, (Operation Popeye). David Keith is one of the scientist behind geoengineering. Admitted in a conference that spraying alumina (along with other elements) into the atmosphere, that it will "reflect" the suns rays. Not to...
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    Drought season, ain't talking bout cannabis either...

    Seems like the top ag. states are facing heat and droughts, is CA being targeted? We were breaking records in spring, what does the summer hold for us...
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    Capitalizing Cannabis?

    Still in the process of reading the Assembly Bill.
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    Capitalizing Cannabis?

    California Moves One Step Closer To Ending Medical Marijuana 'Chaos'
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    Look up at the sky...Is that a cloud? Is that a contrail?

    Yeah, you should get a group together. The meeting I went to on Tuesday focuses on fracking. The attendees were all over 40 years of age, wise individuals. They are achieving local media attention and even trying to make it into the county ballot. Fracking is also an important issue but I want...
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    Look up at the sky...Is that a cloud? Is that a contrail?

    CNSNewsTV May 13, 2014 The world has “500 days to avoid climate chaos,” French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said alongside Secretary of State John Kerry at the State Department on Tuesday. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said: “And very important issues, issue of climate change...
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    Look up at the sky...Is that a cloud? Is that a contrail? An attorney named Joseph H. Marman, already took legal action against Shasta County Air Quality Management District. By the looks of it it started 2011 and I have not been able to find any updates on the case. Almost want to call his office see if he can provide me...
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    Look up at the sky...Is that a cloud? Is that a contrail?

    The camera is pretty outdated and movie maker makes the quality worse. Yes, we need to take appropriate action and a class action lawsuit is just that. Came across a "5 Step Plan" and it also suggests filing public notifications of non-consent. I'm not too hip on all the necessary legal work...
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    Capitalizing Cannabis?

    Some of you may be experiencing bans already taking place in your county. " thanks to recently changed medical marijuana laws in Canada that ended home growth of pot plants and required users to buy...
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    Look up at the sky...Is that a cloud? Is that a contrail?

    In a 'perfect world', a combustion engine is supposed to only release CO2 and H2O, but that is not the case. Funny that you mention about the cloud shapes, as I thought of using that in an argument once. Also, you mentioned something about airlines. What I have noticed is that the few times I...
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    Look up at the sky...Is that a cloud? Is that a contrail?

    I wasn't going to reply but I am very compassionate. But can you do a little bit of research before you post a comment as I can see you have plenty of time to look through memes. And being 'scared' or being in denial isn't going to fix anything, which is why I chose to raise awareness and do...
  19. D

    Look up at the sky...Is that a cloud? Is that a contrail?

    I was out in the streets doing my part to raise awareness for 2 hours today. It is a heavy spray day, as have been the last two days but nothing compared to today. I noticed that one of the aerosol trails had a red hue as well as a blue hue to it. There was many near it, as well as on the same...
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    Look up at the sky...Is that a cloud? Is that a contrail?

    You mentioned KC-10 tankers...well... Skip to 1:40 if you want to hear the pilots themselves speak about it.