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  1. G

    Would this be enough for a mother tent?

    Looking to get a T5 light fixture for a possible mother tent I will set up. Tent will be 4x2. I've been having trouble finding something that will fit in the tent and be enough light. I do not want light touching the side of tent for obvious reasons. Most of the proclaimed "4ft" fixtures, are...
  2. G

    What CAN I expect as far as yield and height?

    Yeah I'm not taking advice from you when you can't don't even take the time to read the original post.... Seeds are fem, answered in original post. And I plan to grow one of ea the first grow (check stains on original post). If I plan to have 4 plants under each light in my flowering tent (ea...
  3. G

    Buying a house at age 18

    I understand your point, I started off the thread saying I had $50k which to everyone should had meant it was clean money, it was only until some idiot tried to bash that I had to explain I would be better off cultivating than continuing to do what I was doing. I wanted to hear people's opinions...
  4. G

    What CAN I expect as far as yield and height?

    Debating, I was going to just use this account to ask my questions and once I had the process down, never login again or make a new account and simply browse. Don't want to get busted when I have almost every single other factor down by posting pictures online lol.
  5. G

    What CAN I expect as far as yield and height?

    I don't really care if you bash me for spending money on these blackstars. I would have 100% gotten something else if I COULD have. What else could I have spent an almost $5k gift balance on (No, that's not what I spent on the leds). I got 6 of them. They cover a supposed 4x3 area. (The question...
  6. G

    What CAN I expect as far as yield and height?

    For accurate retail price you can check amazon. But after tax I paid around $600 a pop. I know I could have gotten some area51s or blackdogs, but I had a amazon gift card balance which was going no where and decided to just purchase these.
  7. G

    What CAN I expect as far as yield and height?

    I have never trolled on these forums. I've only asked questions as is this not a growing forum where they have a subsection titled "newbie central"? If you cannot ask random "noob" questions HERE without getting responses from assholes like you. Where CAN I ask them then? Just ignore me like you...
  8. G

    What CAN I expect as far as yield and height?

    Lol it's amusing how you take it upon yourself to post on my threads. Why do you have to post my first post? Should I post YOUR first post every time I respond to you? You have "dad" in your username yet you make it seem like you're less mature than even me. Judging by this being your second...
  9. G

    What CAN I expect as far as yield and height?

    I know there are grow journals. But I merely looking for estimates for MY situation such as equipment, strains, and cycle. I also know the first grow I would barely get anything but I would like to know what to aim for. A pound a plant is a bit unrealistic. There are probably some growers who...
  10. G

    Buying a house at age 18

    I find it amusing how so many people who want to bash use information that I have never said in this thread or confirmed. Obviously my first post on my account has nothing to do with my current plan. $1000 was my budget when I first came to forums, not that I didn't have the money to spend more...
  11. G

    What CAN I expect as far as yield and height?

    PLEASE NOTE: The question is CAN, not WILL. I am asking for ESTIMATES under my conditions, not what WILL I get per plant. If I am missing any info needed to give an estimate, please let me know. I plan to have a 4week veg and 8week flower cycle. With say an additional 2 weeks for seedlings to...
  12. G

    Pots or in-ground?

    The location where I plan to grow is quite secure, and no one ever crosses there. It is not deemed a "shortcut" to anyone as you have to go down a very steep hill to enter the woods, then cross a creek (can't jump, you wont have to go through it). If you wanted to go further left to the creek to...
  13. G

    How many plants are manageable?

    I understand it would be more work as it is a outdoor plant (longer grow period, and high yields). This is the main reason why I am asking how many is manageable. I'm trying to stay in the middle between quality and quantity. Obviously going for the most plants would result in lower quality...
  14. G

    How many plants are manageable?

    Water would be SUPER close. The woods have a creek running through it. I plan to just get two hoses, and a manual water pump, pump water into a container, water, and repeat. I say super close as I don't have to haul it far, furthest distance from the creek is probably half a mile.
  15. G

    How many plants are manageable?

    I plan to grow outdoors in my backdoor woods (yes it's secure, and not visited) once it's grow season next year. I would like to know how many plants is manageable by ONE person. Say I was willing to go in those woods 3-4 times a week, for a max amount of time of 2 hours each day. I know the...
  16. G

    Buying a house at age 18

    I don't think you understand what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to avoid money laundering by buying fixer upper houses, putting my grow profits towards fixing them up, then selling them well above what I paid for them in the beginning resulting in legal money.
  17. G

    Buying a house at age 18

    I don't intend on buying a fixer upper for more money than I have... I would be better off just putting the $50k down on a house that needs no work needed.
  18. G

    How much does an average indoor plant weigh?

    I'm trying to stay under 10lbs, should I get busted for cultivation.
  19. G

    How much does an average indoor plant weigh?

    I'm not asking about YIELD, or how much I can get off each plant. I want to know how much can I expect a single indoor plant to weigh if it were to be ripped out the pot and put directly on a scale. This includes leaves, stems, roots, the bud, the whole shabang. Time: 4week veg, 8week flower...
  20. G

    Buying a house at age 18

    Thanks for sharing your experience.