What CAN I expect as far as yield and height?


Active Member
PLEASE NOTE: The question is CAN, not WILL. I am asking for ESTIMATES under my conditions, not what WILL I get per plant. If I am missing any info needed to give an estimate, please let me know.

I plan to have a 4week veg and 8week flower cycle. With say an additional 2 weeks for seedlings to go from seed to seedling, or clone to seedling (aerocloner) before putting into veg. I will be using foxfarm soil and nutes. Pot sizes will be 3 gallon (veg), and 5 gallon (flower).

Veg = Blackstar 500w Veg/Clone LED
Flower = Blackstar 500w Flower LED

Strains (all fem)
Liberty Haze
Critical Kush
Bomb THC
White Widow x Big Bud

I am not asking for one single individual to give estimates on ALL the strains, but ones you are familiar with or know the background. I would also like to know the estimated HEIGHT of the plants under my conditions. I haven't bought the flowering tent yet, but I would like one that has an appropriate height for the average plants, and even the one of the bunch that will be a giant among the rest.

EDIT: I am not asking what is the MOST I can get from a single plant, but what is the average estimate


Well-Known Member
PLEASE NOTE: The question is CAN, not WILL. I am asking for ESTIMATES under my conditions, not what WILL I get per plant. If I am missing any info needed to give an estimate, please let me know.

I plan to have a 4week veg and 8week flower cycle. With say an additional 2 weeks for seedlings to go from seed to seedling, or clone to seedling (aerocloner) before putting into veg. I will be using foxfarm soil and nutes. Pot sizes will be 3 gallon (veg), and 5 gallon (flower).

Veg = Blackstar 500w Veg/Clone LED
Flower = Blackstar 500w Flower LED

Strains (all fem)
Liberty Haze
Critical Kush
Bomb THC
White Widow x Big Bud

I am not asking for one single individual to give estimates on ALL the strains, but ones you are familiar with or know the background. I would also like to know the estimated HEIGHT of the plants under my conditions. I haven't bought the flowering tent yet, but I would like one that has an appropriate height for the average plants, and even the one of the bunch that will be a giant among the rest.

EDIT: I am not asking what is the MOST I can get from a single plant, but what is the average estimate
Let's put it this way.
Last Winter, I grew 1 bagseed, under 98w of veg for 4 weeks, then 7-9 weeks from first pistils, (not flip of lighting) until I added more, to bring my total wattage up to 305.
A lot of LST while vegging, and a couple weeks into flower, while she was still stretching.
2 3/4 oz. dried and cured.
21 days oldView attachment 2914267
Some of the last pics I took, somewhere around 85 days from flip.feb26pic12_zpsf32a62aa.jpg


Well-Known Member
not familiar with your lights but you can expect WWxBB to be larfy, and a shitty smoke.....it will look real nice, have no core weight, kinda smell like WW if you get a good pheno and you can expect it to grow nanners.
U wont get shit becouse this is your first grow!
so there is some mandatory reverse syc , go on and humor him i dare you LOL
by just setting aside a little time to read you cant fail .
And read every day.
Its been done so many times ,it would be foolish not to read the testimony of others .


Active Member
I know there are grow journals. But I merely looking for estimates for MY situation such as equipment, strains, and cycle. I also know the first grow I would barely get anything but I would like to know what to aim for. A pound a plant is a bit unrealistic. There are probably some growers who could pull it off, but it would take me a while to achieve that.


Well-Known Member
the answer is always, 'about a pound'.

but seriously, 500 watts for a decent grower in a well built room should give you 1/2 a pound. the critical kush is suppose to give good yields and the bomb too but i have no exp with any of the strains you have listed. for a new grower you have to factor in growing pains and learning experience that may or may not lower your yields. ive seen a fresh grower with no exp grow very good stuff but most dont end up like that.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Dont think of it by plant its by light average growers usually get .5 grams per watt experienced pros get at least a gram per watt some people have grown for years and have not gotten a gram per watt so a half p is what u shuld shoot for it wont be easy tho on your first grow with so many different strains u have your work cut out for you.


Well-Known Member
The general rule of thumb is "1 oz. per foot of plant height" (indoor) This will get you in the ball park most of the time.

Good Luck on Your Grow.


Well-Known Member
Just worry about your plants surviving for now and nevermind the yield cause that's depending on if your plants all survive, and I hope they do don't get me wrong but yield at this point is the least of your worries. Come back with a couple pictures when they are 3 weeks into flower and show us and maybe we can give you a better answer on yield then my friend. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
wow.....tough crowd!

You may be optimistic on the 8 weeks of 12/12, especially with the Haze. Of the strains you listed, I can only comment on the White Widow x Big Bud from experience. The plant will start bending from the weight of the buds around weeks 7 or so....and won't be ready until week 9-10. While the buds will grow to the size of pine-cones and feel heavy, once they dry they lose a shit-ton of weight. I never got over 2 ounces per plant of this strain.

As far as your other strains, I would guess that the indica-dom plants will go 9-10 weeks, and the sativa doms 12-14 weeks.

How much yield? That's a tough one as you're a new grower and who knows what things you've done to screw up your plants (not being an ass....we ALL screwed up our first grows). If you didn't fuck with your plants too much...figure between 1-2 ounces per plant on average.


Well-Known Member
You again?

Need help with grow room setup and other ?s[/h]
I am a complete noob when it comes to growing, I barely decided to go with growing yesterday when I had nothing else to do with the amazon gift cards I got as a gift. So FAR I have purchased a grow tent, and a light system. I don't know what else I will need besides the obvious air flow, nutrients, water, etc. Maybe if someone could suggest other things I NEED to grow that would be efficient with my current items I purchased?

Grow tent- http://www.amazon.com/Lighthouse-Hyd...donations09-20

Light System- http://www.amazon.com/iPower-GLSETX4...donations09-20

My reasons for purchasing the two. I bought the 4 x 2 x 6 tent as I thought it would be a decent size to start in as well as expand once I get experience. I don't want to have to buy things and upgrade all the time and have junk laying around that I don't use. I bought the light system as I read a couple good reviews on other forums (not amazon reviews), and I just wanted something simple, cheap, and had everything I would need so I don't have to buy everything separate.

Budget: $1000 (give or take)

My questions
1. What else do I NEED so I can start to grow? (not obvious things I can get from a home depot like pots and soil, etc)

2. Is 400w enough for the tent I bought?

3. What are the chances of a FIRE? (lol, I will start in my empty basement, but will move this tent to my room once I feel it is safe enough)

4. Do I need a water system? Or would watering the plants myself work?

5. What are some suggested items a starter should have?

* I know alot of people are going to say I shouldn't have jumped right into buying a tent and light system but have done some research so I make the best choices. My response is that I 100% agree with you. I am a bit stubborn when it comes to asking for help as I don't want to post a thread that gets 0 replies.

EDIT: Please provide links or a detailed description of what I should look for. Example: Instead of a fan, what size? How many?​

Last edited by Grenwall; 11-11-2013 at 04:28 PM.

Since you are not giving bad advice in the newbie forum, I am going to use the ignore feature for the first time in my life. Grow a plant, one f#%cking plant, not in your Mom's basement and then ask for help with pics. Good day Sir


Well-Known Member
Wow that's a little harsh man. He has questions that's ok, hes starting up and we were all there at one time. We all needed help wiping our ass at one point and now were pros at it. Its a forum and honestly I expect 20 more threads with question on every week of his grow, I did the same thing and that's what RIU is about, giving advice. If you don't like his questions skip it go to the next one my friend, but I will help him with every question he has to the best of my abilty and he will one day do the same for someone else.
You again?

Need help with grow room setup and other ?s

I am a complete noob when it comes to growing, I barely decided to go with growing yesterday when I had nothing else to do with the amazon gift cards I got as a gift. So FAR I have purchased a grow tent, and a light system. I don't know what else I will need besides the obvious air flow, nutrients, water, etc. Maybe if someone could suggest other things I NEED to grow that would be efficient with my current items I purchased?

Grow tent- http://www.amazon.com/Lighthouse-Hyd...donations09-20

Light System- http://www.amazon.com/iPower-GLSETX4...donations09-20

My reasons for purchasing the two. I bought the 4 x 2 x 6 tent as I thought it would be a decent size to start in as well as expand once I get experience. I don't want to have to buy things and upgrade all the time and have junk laying around that I don't use. I bought the light system as I read a couple good reviews on other forums (not amazon reviews), and I just wanted something simple, cheap, and had everything I would need so I don't have to buy everything separate.

Budget: $1000 (give or take)

My questions
1. What else do I NEED so I can start to grow? (not obvious things I can get from a home depot like pots and soil, etc)

2. Is 400w enough for the tent I bought?

3. What are the chances of a FIRE? (lol, I will start in my empty basement, but will move this tent to my room once I feel it is safe enough)

4. Do I need a water system? Or would watering the plants myself work?

5. What are some suggested items a starter should have?

* I know alot of people are going to say I shouldn't have jumped right into buying a tent and light system but have done some research so I make the best choices. My response is that I 100% agree with you. I am a bit stubborn when it comes to asking for help as I don't want to post a thread that gets 0 replies.

EDIT: Please provide links or a detailed description of what I should look for. Example: Instead of a fan, what size? How many?​

Last edited by Grenwall; 11-11-2013 at 04:28 PM.

Since you are not giving bad advice in the newbie forum, I am going to use the ignore feature for the first time in my life. Grow a plant, one f#%cking plant, not in your Mom's basement and then ask for help with pics. Good day Sir


Active Member
Lol it's amusing how you take it upon yourself to post on my threads. Why do you have to post my first post? Should I post YOUR first post every time I respond to you? You have "dad" in your username yet you make it seem like you're less mature than even me. Judging by this being your second time posting on my thread not giving useful information, I am going to go ahead and label you as a post count whore lol.