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  1. S

    eyup :D

    Welcome to RIU. Good luck on your grow.
  2. S

    greetings from canada :)

    Greetings to you. I love Canada. Might live there some day.
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    How bad is this problem/ what to do

    what kind of household nutes would you suggest? Our wal-mart has nothing but miracle grow. . .
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    How bad is this problem/ what to do

    ^^^I'm sayin there are more dead leaves than alive ones. . . that still no prob?
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    limp/ please help

    Limp? Try viagra. I here it can keep you hard up to 24 hours. :) lol. i'm a dork. okay so yeah, i'm thinking overwatering. If not, then yeah, i'd move the light closer.
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    How bad is this problem/ what to do

    I just used a little bit of miracle grow. . . But its been slow and steady... no major problems until now. Couldn't afford any good nutes off the internet and now good flower shops around here. :( The flowering is going great. Looks like i'm going to get a couple ounces and its my first grow.
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    How bad is this problem/ what to do

    as soon as mine started flowering it lost a few leaves and started yellowing, but now there are more leaves that have died that there are on the plant. a little worried.
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    How bad is this problem/ what to do

    Alright guys and gals. Heres the dilemma. A majority of my leaves are starting to either yellow hard core or completely die and fall off. My plant has been flowering for about four weeks so I think a little bit of the yellowing and dying of leaves is natural because the nutrients are going to...
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    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    Well, that was a more coherent and sensible quote. Not sure about the buffalo eating, but..... At least you didn't claim to be Jesus this time. And at least you are nice. There are a lot of people who are just plain ass faces on here.
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    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    lol. can't wait to see what incoherent response he has to that. :) maybe we'll get another youtube link.
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    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    and it is totally incoherent. He sounds like this guy I knew that got messed up by taking too many pills at the same time.
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    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    Hey We you are out of control. You are making a bad name for Christians. You usually don't make sense. Chill out. Go to some other forum to make outlandish statements and post youtube links.
  13. S

    Positive vibes thread.... Hookup w no hate

    That is a crazy story. A really sad one, but hey you are right I didn't specify what kind of stories. Well, I'm glad you are doing good now. Keep living the life.
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    It's the end of the world! now what?!

    I know one thing. If you live like the world is ending you won't care about our planet and will help destroy it a little bit faster. I personally believe it will be around for a long time, but like others have said before, you don't know. . . no point in arguing about it.
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    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    I don't claim to know any more than anyone else, but me personally.....Well, when I wake up and take a breath in the mornings and see all of the beautiful things in nature, I have to believe there is a creator. Many things happen by chance, and I know science has its answers, which cannot be...
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    Christianity has been debunked once and for all

    There is no adding to the bible dude. So, there will be no eating sandwiches all day. The Bible is a very accurate history book(I mentioned in an earlier post) that the government had no say in writing. Just a point.
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    Here's my dilemma...

    Completely agree. Good advice.
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    I love marijuana

    Welcome. Well, getting to know like minded people is always fun. You can learn all you need to learn pretty much from reading different threads. Happy searching.
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    Hello Dear Friends : )

    Of course its NOT weird to blaze with your brother. He would be cool with it. I've smoked with my sister before.
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    Tokin' Traveller

    Hello! Nice. Love traveling. Sounds like a sweet nine months.