Here's my dilemma...

should i switch?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NO!

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • gtfo.

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • It depends...

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters


Active Member
First of all, my name is Tab(itha) by the way.
I've been given an ultimatum to keep the weed out of my residence "or else" cause it's oh so illegal and whatnot lulz! Which is why i started pursuing other methods of bud consumption and stumbled upon legalbuds[dot]com, and upon further research was disappointed to hear they have shite customer service and their buds have the equivalent effects of pure dirt.
I just wanted a few opinions on whether it's a good idea to switch over from the real [illegal] weed that i am well adapted to smoking on a regular basis, to permanent use of the products that can be found on the interationaloddities webpage, my money and patience is all riding on this decision so ANY info you guys can give me i fully appreciate.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, if your parents say so, and you live under their roof, then respect their wishes until you have a place of your own.If it's a landlord,save up and leave.If it's a boyfriend,dump him.:peace:
First of all, my name is Tab(itha) by the way.
I've been given an ultimatum to keep the weed out of my residence "or else" cause it's oh so illegal and whatnot lulz! Which is why i started pursuing other methods of bud consumption and stumbled upon legalbuds[dot]com, and upon further research was disappointed to hear they have shite customer service and their buds have the equivalent effects of pure dirt.
I just wanted a few opinions on whether it's a good idea to switch over from the real [illegal] weed that i am well adapted to smoking on a regular basis, to permanent use of the products that can be found on the interationaloddities webpage, my money and patience is all riding on this decision so ANY info you guys can give me i fully appreciate.


Well-Known Member
Just be more careful. Don't let anyone know that you have any weed. Don't smoke at your residence unless its late and everyone is asleep... and even then, open a window and sit by it while you take a quick couple of tokes. Other wise, go to a friend's house or into a wooded area to smoke. Don't leave it out in the open for anyone to find.

Whatever you do, don't switch to the legal "buds'. Its a complete waste of money and lung capacity. You will not get high from it. You may get light-headed from inhaling smoke... but thats about it. I've bought the shit before when i was on probation and it was a huge disappointment. It tasted like ass and didn't get me high at all. I will never smoke it again (even if its given to me for free). Its the equivalent of going out to my yard, picking a random plant and smoking it.

Hell, I'd sooner quit everything than waste my time on that bullshit.


Active Member
I finally found the other threads posted on this same subject that i should have been reading before i posted this thread, grrrr, but i do thank you for responding, yeah i was gonna buy that stuff when i got paid this friday but i won't let myself now, i just figured since this site basically endorses it, then everyone was all for them but yeah i will just have to go back to smoking the good shit late at night before i go to bed from now on like i used to thanks y'all :]


Well-Known Member
Just be more careful. Don't let anyone know that you have any weed. Don't smoke at your residence unless its late and everyone is asleep... and even then, open a window and sit by it while you take a quick couple of tokes. Other wise, go to a friend's house or into a wooded area to smoke. Don't leave it out in the open for anyone to find.

Whatever you do, don't switch to the legal "buds'. Its a complete waste of money and lung capacity. You will not get high from it. You may get light-headed from inhaling smoke... but thats about it. I've bought the shit before when i was on probation and it was a huge disappointment. It tasted like ass and didn't get me high at all. I will never smoke it again (even if its given to me for free). Its the equivalent of going out to my yard, picking a random plant and smoking it.

Hell, I'd sooner quit everything than waste my time on that bullshit.

Completely agree. Good advice.