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  1. expendableexodia

    I am going to be laughed at but...

    well i tried out the carmel. it was so so. don't think it was much better then what i had. I got it for free so i can't really complain.
  2. expendableexodia

    I am going to be laughed at but...

    i'm the same way. didn't smoke much until college. thanks for all the help guys. guess i'll find out 2nightbongsmilie
  3. expendableexodia

    I am going to be laughed at but...

    the source definately wouldn't make anything up. I know him well but Im not positive he knows what he has. Everyone esle I've talked to said it was great. The stuff I had been getting was seedless. The picture I checked on here looked similar to what he had in the bag in the color (but it wasn't...
  4. expendableexodia

    I am going to be laughed at but...

    ok so this stuff does exist and its not some bull shit name. the smell is extremely strong like I said. and the stuff I had been buying was 40 an 1/8th. The stuff I had been getting was very green so it was pretty good. Now that I see that it actually has been listed on that page I hope I can...
  5. expendableexodia

    I am going to be laughed at but...

    well Ive been getting this stuff from a guy and it's pretty good stuff. extremely green and smells pretty fragrant. I'm kind of a puss so 2 hits and I'm pretty baked. This stuff my friend has is called carmalicous and its extremly fragrant. But not so green though so thats why I'm a little...
  6. expendableexodia

    I am going to be laughed at but...

    is a more fragrant smell immediatly a better weed? I'm going to be honest I have only smoked dirt weed and I want to try some good stuff. Someone I know has some that has a powerful smell to it (in the bag I mean). Any way of enlightenment is much appreciated
  7. expendableexodia

    Advice wanted::!!!!!how many plants would be kool?

    Your probably going to have to wait a lot longer than 2 weeks to harvest a good crop.
  8. expendableexodia

    It's not about growing but...

    Thought I'd share a little wisdom from Ben Harper to everyone! couldn't get the embeded code to work so heres a link :peace:
  9. expendableexodia

    Charcoal Canister

    I noticed widow maker said a charcoal canister works best when filtering out the smell of some dank weed. Can you pick these at a gardening center? Also does it just kind fit on a squirel fan and is there anything electrical about it. thx
  10. expendableexodia

    Free Grow Videos

    Does the air have to vent outside? What if the room was enclosed in another room and it vented out into that. Like a basement
  11. expendableexodia

    Avoiding Detection

    This is strictly for ME. So thats covered. Lookn foward to my first grow
  12. expendableexodia

    Avoiding Detection

    Nah I know it's a bad idea to start big. What I meant was that I'm going to work my way up. Like I said the room is primarily underground. thx for the help guys
  13. expendableexodia

    Avoiding Detection

    I figured as much on the lights but I wasn't sure. I considered creating a seperate cinder block room within this room. I'm eager to start soon but I want to take precautions. Would the heat resonate hot enough through to create suspicion? I probly should post pics to give you an idea
  14. expendableexodia

    Avoiding Detection

    Ello guys. I'm considering my first grow but before I begin I must adress my biggest concern....Being Detected. I live in a VERY VERY SMALL AND RURAL COUNTY. So that makes it easier. Plus I have a VERY VERY large room to grow in. I would like to harvest a large amount indoor. The room is built...