Avoiding Detection


Active Member
Ello guys. I'm considering my first grow but before I begin I must adress my biggest concern....Being Detected. I live in a VERY VERY SMALL AND RURAL COUNTY. So that makes it easier. Plus I have a VERY VERY large room to grow in. I would like to harvest a large amount indoor. The room is built out of pure Cinder block and is partially underground (basement room. probly well over 40x32). The likelyhood of police coming by are slim however infrared copters do make rounds once or twice a year. This may sound pitiful but can my bud be seen by infrared through concrete. This is honestly my biggest concern


Active Member
On when the chopper comes through they can't see your bud what they see is a heat source from you light and the more light you have there the more the it will look suspcious from F.L.I.R. chopper


Active Member
I figured as much on the lights but I wasn't sure. I considered creating a seperate cinder block room within this room. I'm eager to start soon but I want to take precautions. Would the heat resonate hot enough through to create suspicion? I probly should post pics to give you an idea


Well-Known Member
the long and short of this article basically says it is an unlawful search to use thermal imaging cameras to detect a grow op witout a warrant
read for yourself The Supreme Court: Finding Marijuana with Thermal-Imaging Devices — Infoplease.com
so i wouldnt worry about random helos catching you.
keep your garbage clean of all grow materials because they can search your trash without a warrant.
other than that dont sweat it and always remember .... tell noone you grow .... not even your best friend


New Member
go for it but start off small if you are in the uk its ok.in the usa i am not sure.best not go starting a river before you taste the stream.just pay your electricity bill but dont go nuts on it because this will be a bigger worry than any choppers.the police can access electricity usage bills and addresses if its shoots way high.


New Member
Ello guys. I'm considering my first grow but before I begin I must adress my biggest concern....Being Detected. I live in a VERY VERY SMALL AND RURAL COUNTY. So that makes it easier. Plus I have a VERY VERY large room to grow in. I would like to harvest a large amount indoor. The room is built out of pure Cinder block and is partially underground (basement room. probly well over 40x32). The likelyhood of police coming by are slim however infrared copters do make rounds once or twice a year. This may sound pitiful but can my bud be seen by infrared through concrete. This is honestly my biggest concern
what makes you think these are infrared choppers and assume they are used for cannabis growing detection(paranoia??).the police are far to busy to fly over homes checking who has there lights on unless you are growing a football pitch sized grass field.
lets be real.think about it.helicopters are not cheap to run and wont be used for such silly adventures.


Well-Known Member
hey, I had a fishtank with plants that was under 500W so how the hell can they tell the diff between a tomatoe or weed or a mh hood on a fish tank.? they cant... cops are losers


Well-Known Member
From what i have seen and heard from this site and what your telling us is that a basement grow would be great. You need to really really research this.

I would start small start with one maybe 2 lights and build from there if you have no experence.

Thats a big grow !! Many many things to consider..

And its like the rules at fight club rule number 1 YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB!! rule number 2 YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB!!

A grow that big you will be hard pressed not to have to tell someone in your inner circle and when one knows more than you want knows its just a matter of fact!! My wife knows and that's one to many.

Good luck


Active Member
Nah I know it's a bad idea to start big. What I meant was that I'm going to work my way up. Like I said the room is primarily underground. thx for the help guys


New Member
grow for personal.nothing else.if you intend to deal weed for cash find a better income any half decent job you will earn more than jail cash and phone cards rather than a good personal smoke and your freedom.
dont be paranoid about the cops.they wont fuck you for growing a few plants.
caution only.


Well-Known Member
Foe me the questions are, First how can a little tiny town afford the cost of just randomly flying over? The second is I would start slow, you don't want to get something wrong the first time and realize you have a lot to change and thirdly is,, I think the power company is the worry here, they do tend to tell on a high jump in bills. Then they will send a guy out to " make sure the meter" is working and then he will smell it and blammo. I would start slow and gradually get bigger, Plus it's a lot of work some times. You don't want to over whelm your self right off the bat. I say go for it just smaller at first ease that power bill up. This is my opinion but I have read a lot in our papers that this has happened. Oh yeah get some big loud dogs to warn you of intruders and I guess I should have said the first and foremost rule is TELL NO ONE!!! Even a BEST friend can turn nasty when there is so much to get at


New Member
From what i have seen and heard from this site and what your telling us is that a basement grow would be great. You need to really really research this.

I would start small start with one maybe 2 lights and build from there if you have no experence.

Thats a big grow !! Many many things to consider..

And its like the rules at fight club rule number 1 YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB!! rule number 2 YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB!!

A grow that big you will be hard pressed not to have to tell someone in your inner circle and when one knows more than you want knows its just a matter of fact!! My wife knows and that's one to many.

Good luck

spark...about the wife. you know...should we, ummm, well you know...take care of her. then we'll combine our efforts and launch the us based school of fuct and overgrow the world so al will love us:weed:


Well-Known Member
what makes you think these are infrared choppers and assume they are used for cannabis growing detection(paranoia??).the police are far to busy to fly over homes checking who has there lights on unless you are growing a football pitch sized grass field.
lets be real.think about it.helicopters are not cheap to run and wont be used for such silly adventures.
very good point


Active Member
It is a good point . However adopting the perspective that infrared choppers are beyond the practical reach of a small community really only serves to provide one with some (perhaps unwarranted) peace of mind.

Seizure laws certainly effect the feasibility considerations. It's also entirely plausible to imagine neighboring communities sharing resources like IR copters. In this situation, I don't think paranoia is the appropriate word. They ARE out to get us.

It's also equally important to assume that law enforcement don't play fair and even though the supreme court has ruled the ir thing an illegal search, that just means that they won't base the case on it but rather just use IR scans to sift the wheat from the chaff and then take other routes to a warrant.

Considering the electricity thing, their is an article online about a woman who had her home searched based solely on a 350 dollar electric bill. She wasn't growing anything, she just had lots of computers and kids who don't know what an off switch is.