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  1. L

    Hoping I got my clones right this time

    All I want to know is if a cutting starts to perk up at day 5 and hold its foliage up again, can I consider that it is rooting? I've had cuts that stayed perky and didn't root, but not ones that wilted for days and slowly perked again.
  2. L

    Tips needed on 2rd grow!

    I'm of the opinion that nutrients are only ever neccesary when trying to diagnose a deficiency. It's too easy to fuck up, I don't use them now.
  3. L

    Hoping I got my clones right this time

    I'm cloning in soil now. The plant I have is difficult to clone, I had success with a different cut under similar conditions - but - in soil. And I left it alone rather than tampering with it, which is an issue I have. Its summer here and the cuts are up high in the closet. If they're perking...
  4. L

    Hoping I got my clones right this time

    Been trying over the last few months to get some clones going. Budget is low and knowledge is amateur. First batch were too waterlogged/cold, went stagnant or something, still healthy but no roots after weeks on weeks. Second batch i overdid the nutes and they yellowed off and died. Tried to...
  5. L

    Looking to understand the finer details of cloning

    Doing what I like to call poor mans growing currently. I was aware that the cuttings can root without hormone, as my first batch are doing, but the most essential thing it gives me is the fungicide. I took another group of six this morning, with the hormone. I'm not sure it helps but this will...
  6. L

    Looking to understand the finer details of cloning

    People like you really get under my skin man. The informal posting police, here to scrutinise your queries and make remarks about how often something is posted, or how terrible it is for there to be threads, on a forum. Why offer help when you can just pick apart the wording, right? Why couldn't...
  7. L

    Looking to understand the finer details of cloning

    I have read up on the subject and found a fairly blanket method everywhere I looked. It's not a complicated process really, is it. I just need better info on the aftercare and not just the process of taking the cutting. I got what I wanted here. My cuts seem happy so far.
  8. L

    Looking to understand the finer details of cloning

    Comes on forum for growing weed, posts in newbie central and still finds that there's always that one person who has to rub their superiority in your face. I'm trying to learn, that's why I'm inquiring about the methods I'm using. Thanks to those that gave info.
  9. L

    Looking to understand the finer details of cloning

    First time round I took 5 pieces of very new growth from the near the bottom of my plant which had been preflowering for around 2 weeks and is a female. I intended to use rooting hormone but found it wasn't stocked currently in my town. I did one cut, then carefully lowered the piece into water...