Looking to understand the finer details of cloning


New Member
First time round I took 5 pieces of very new growth from the near the bottom of my plant which had been preflowering for around 2 weeks and is a female. I intended to use rooting hormone but found it wasn't stocked currently in my town. I did one cut, then carefully lowered the piece into water so the leaves were floating on the surface with the stem submerged, and did a second. They all went into jiffy plugs which are sat in soil with domes made from bottle tops on them. I've been giving them an air out every few hours. They all wilted at first and are now in varying degrees of perkiness. I have been able to have the dome off for extended periods with little to no wilt, which I was unable to do initially. I am hoping this is a good sign.

I've since been gifted some rooting hormone. It's a liquid in a small container. Says its some organic stuff with fungicide. I knew the cuts could root without it but I was worried about the stems rotting.

Light - I don't have anything particularly suitable. I've got my main which is a 400w hps but I see little point running it yet if the cuts aren't even interested in photosynthesis. Would a standard fluorescent bulb, say with a 100w light output, be a suitable choice for cuttings? If so is there any particular time scheme to follow? Do they even need light?


Well-Known Member
So you call whether they need light or not...a finer detail?

You're a total cloning nube and need to read up. Use the internet...all 4 Cervantes cloning vids are on youtube.
Yeah watch a couple youtube videos so you at least know the basics. Also, if you try again don't dip the clones in the hormone tub, use a separate container or a knife that stuff will get contaminated and grow bacteria right away. A 100 watt cfl should be fine, they don't need a lot of light. And it's better to take clones when the plant is in veg, not after sexing. Sex the clones not the main plant, that way if it's female you can take more and they won't take forever to root.

If you can get your hands on some canna bio rhizotonic, that stuff works wonders if you soak the plugs in a 2ml/gal solution as well
Although by far the best way to clone is get an ez cloner or an oxy clone or something. Use a rhizotonic and pure pH'd water solution and you'll see roots in a matter of days. No humidity dome required. In fact, even if you're using plugs don't keep them in a dome for more than a few days, and don't spray them constantly either.


Well-Known Member
I use rapid rooters set into soil in solocups, haven't lost a clone yet. I fill the tray with about 1/4" of water with some dilute rooting hormone and a kelp additive. Of course I dip the clones in rooting powder first. I let the water in the tray slowly evaporate to slowly reduce the humidity and force rooting. I only put a 24" flouro on top of the dome in my veg room, I also have the tray sitting on a heat mat.

I mist them once a day lightly for the first couple days then just mist the dome to raise humidity after day 4 or so. Take the dome off for at least 30 minutes a day for the first few days. open the vents totally after 3-4 days. Your lighting will be fine.


New Member
Comes on forum for growing weed, posts in newbie central and still finds that there's always that one person who has to rub their superiority in your face. I'm trying to learn, that's why I'm inquiring about the methods I'm using. Thanks to those that gave info.


Well-Known Member
I gave you advice. Read a book...watch some videos. I feel it's your responsibility to do that...and then if you have a serious question, it will get answered.

But if you want to be spoon fed, I believe I have some pablum around here...open wide...


Well-Known Member
cutting taking root is a natural process that most plant cuttings will do on there own and has been utilized by human farmers for centuries. All that is needed is to make the proper cut and provide the right environment for it to happen and nature will take care of the rest. some strains are easier to clone then others due to variation in genetics. Rooting hormones definatly make the process more reliable but it is entirely possible to root cuttings without it. The clones really don't need a lot of light to root so ur 23w flurosent should be fine for just 5 clones, really the less light the better is preferable because you don't want the clone to start vegging before it establishes its root structure, u want it to get just enough energy to grow its root system but light should be constant 20-24hours a day. its important to mist your clones often until roots start to develop as they will be unable to draw up enough water to survive on there own and misting there leaves allows them to take water in through there stoma. you will see roots withing 7 days to 2 weeks if you've provided a proper enviroment


New Member
I have read up on the subject and found a fairly blanket method everywhere I looked. It's not a complicated process really, is it. I just need better info on the aftercare and not just the process of taking the cutting. I got what I wanted here. My cuts seem happy so far.


Well-Known Member
Lazed wrote: I have read up on the subject and found a fairly blanket method everywhere I looked. It's not a complicated process really, is it.
Yes it is...that's why there several new threads daily asking for cloning help. There are multiple steps and something can go wrong at any stage.

Get a method and fine tune it till you get reliable results.

And you have to admit, asking for hints on the finer aspects of cloning when you didn't even know if lights were required...that's funny and required comment.


New Member
Yes it is...that's why there several new threads daily asking for cloning help. There are multiple steps and something can go wrong at any stage.

Get a method and fine tune it till you get reliable results.

And you have to admit, asking for hints on the finer aspects of cloning when you didn't even know if lights were required...that's funny and required comment.
People like you really get under my skin man. The informal posting police, here to scrutinise your queries and make remarks about how often something is posted, or how terrible it is for there to be threads, on a forum. Why offer help when you can just pick apart the wording, right? Why couldn't you just post a similar way as the others?

I have multiple cuttings that are all doing fine, so I'm going to say the process is fairly straightforward given Ive never done it before and it's going well. I have a suitable medium. I have healthy new growth tips. I consider lighting and humidity finer details, because, well there isnt anything more to it. now please, go away.


Well-Known Member
First time round I took 5 pieces of very new growth from the near the bottom of my plant which had been preflowering for around 2 weeks and is a female. I intended to use rooting hormone but found it wasn't stocked currently in my town. I did one cut, then carefully lowered the piece into water so the leaves were floating on the surface with the stem submerged, and did a second. They all went into jiffy plugs which are sat in soil with domes made from bottle tops on them. I've been giving them an air out every few hours. They all wilted at first and are now in varying degrees of perkiness. I have been able to have the dome off for extended periods with little to no wilt, which I was unable to do initially. I am hoping this is a good sign.

I've since been gifted some rooting hormone. It's a liquid in a small container. Says its some organic stuff with fungicide. I knew the cuts could root without it but I was worried about the stems rotting.

Light - I don't have anything particularly suitable. I've got my main which is a 400w hps but I see little point running it yet if the cuts aren't even interested in photosynthesis. Would a standard fluorescent bulb, say with a 100w light output, be a suitable choice for cuttings? If so is there any particular time scheme to follow? Do they even need light?
professionals don't clone in soil or rockwool they use an aerocloner. so make one (DIY on Youtube) or buy one or wait for weeks like an amateur. Cuttings need less light. I put mine 3ft from a 600W floro or if you use 400w hps about the same. 18/6 schedule. One last thing.....for the millionth time....cuttings make their own hormone...put the gel back on the shelf.....oh and have a nice day:)


New Member
Doing what I like to call poor mans growing currently. I was aware that the cuttings can root without hormone, as my first batch are doing, but the most essential thing it gives me is the fungicide. I took another group of six this morning, with the hormone. I'm not sure it helps but this will be the test.

I've seen some professional systems but I don't have the cash currently. It doesn't help that I live in a small town where the selection of shops isn't great at all. Sure though, I've been looking up on heating pads today too. Just a matter of things falling into place for me.