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  1. az6foot5

    Half gallon bubble bucket grow. Bubble bomb and Blue Dream.

    Glad you made it home safe man!
  2. az6foot5

    Talk to your plants?

    I do this every day. Grown with love. Sent from my XT1030 using Rollitup mobile app
  3. az6foot5

    2014 BBQ planning?.......

    I'm coming from southern Arizona so I'm down for a whole weekend. But if it's a day I have other friends I need to visit out that way any how. Sent from my XT1030 using Rollitup mobile app
  4. az6foot5

    2014 BBQ planning?.......

    Land nav lacking! Lol.
  5. az6foot5

    2014 BBQ planning?.......

    Didn't know anything about a BBQ. Must a missed it. Damn. Sent from my XT1030 using Rollitup mobile app
  6. az6foot5

    2014 BBQ planning?.......

    I'm in the firewood business I would gladly donate a cord. Sent from my XT1030 using Rollitup mobile app
  7. az6foot5

    2014 BBQ planning?.......

  8. az6foot5

    My new cabinet

    look's good! Nice clean work! Good job! Sent from my XT1030 using Rollitup mobile app
  9. az6foot5

    2014 BBQ planning?.......

    I have a winabego for community cooking and what not if need be!
  10. az6foot5

    im know a felon :(

    x2 I would never roll, I grew up in a world were you just don't talk to cops, period about anything, the neighborhood takes care of itself. HOWEVER!!! I would never leave my kin holding my smoking gun. Your cousins gotta nut up and stand for you. That is whats right.
  11. az6foot5

    So...Cabs hotter than I thought...

    Got this lil guy for my cab today. I was using an old mercury thermometer prior to this (first grow still collecting), I always kinda half heatedly questioned its accuracy it has said that my cab is consistently in between 70-80F. I put the acurite in the cab about an hour and a half ago and...
  12. az6foot5

    im know a felon :(

    And your not a Felon till you have been convicted.
  13. az6foot5

    im know a felon :(

    Your in a world of shit kid.I live in AZ and have a record.Message me if you need some pointers. what county are you in?
  14. az6foot5

    Apparently I smell like a walking bong...

    Dryer sheets dooder! carry a few dryer sheets in your pockets, rub em on your hair and clothes before you walk in.
  15. az6foot5

    My third try, hope it's not fail

    What kind of transformer? im running two 12v pc fans on a 24v transformer and was thinking about trying to add two more but was worried about over loading my cab while I was away.
  16. az6foot5

    Cab temps...

    How hot do you run your cab? Anyone ever fluctuate temps? bongsmilie:confused:
  17. az6foot5

    MEN: If You Work A 40-Hour Work Week..

    Same answer. Sent from my XT1030 using Rollitup mobile app
  18. az6foot5

    what makes quality weed when you're growing?

    What should pH be in an ideal situation? Sent from my XT1030 using Rollitup mobile app