Talk to your plants?


Well-Known Member
My buddy told me i should sit down, smoke a bowl, blow the smoke in my tent and talk to my girls everyday. is this true? if so what will this accomplish. he has been growing for a long long time and he grows some dank ass bud so im tempted to take his word for it.

ramie auto

jk alot of ppl do talk to ther plants an what not does it have any effect ??? cant do any harm thats for sure


Well-Known Member
Talking to your plants can't hurt, especially if you're smokin' a joint. I think that if you're spending time with them you tend to give them a little more attention than if you just feed and water 'em and walk away.

I can attest that spending too much time looking at one's plants makes it seem they are growing very slowly though....even when I command them to grow faster.


It has been scientifically proven that talking to your plants does make them healthier but it's not the talking and company they enjoy it's the carbon dioxide that your breath produces that make them prospher.


Well-Known Member
I smoke out with my plants all the time, I just don't smoke out the plants. Good ventilation going. Not sure how bad smoke is for them but I do it pretty much every day of their lives.


Well-Known Member
My buddy told me i should sit down, smoke a bowl, blow the smoke in my tent and talk to my girls everyday. is this true? if so what will this accomplish.
He might just be tired of you hanging around his place mooching dope.

Actually I think it would depend on what you talked with them about.

If you were complimentary and said something like "Y'all looked nice today. You girls got some new leaves didn't you? Those look nice. I've bought some nice nutes for you today". They would probably dig it.

If you got all pimpy with them and said "You 'hoes ain't growin worth a shit! A waste of my lights and shit. Imma gonna cut you bitches down and chop you up if ya don't get with the fukkin program Today" they would probably hermie on you.

Girls - Words are important to them.


My buddy told me i should sit down, smoke a bowl, blow the smoke in my tent and talk to my girls everyday. is this true? if so what will this accomplish. he has been growing for a long long time and he grows some dank ass bud so im tempted to take his word for it.
I do this every day. Grown with love.

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Well-Known Member
yeah an masterbation in front of them will increase yeild by 30% :D
No man, that's how you seed your buds, haha

To the OP. I talk to my plants all the time. It's great they listen and don't talk back. lol. The theory is your breathing on them. CO2. Positive Vibes and what not. That and I have no friends. :lol:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
My buddy told me i should sit down, smoke a bowl, blow the smoke in my tent and talk to my girls everyday. is this true? if so what will this accomplish. he has been growing for a long long time and he grows some dank ass bud so im tempted to take his word for it.
I sacrifice virgins in front of my grow, and I grow great bud. Logic indicates the two acts MUST be related. Oh dear.

Talking to your plants can't hurt, especially if you're smokin' a joint. I think that if you're spending time with them you tend to give them a little more attention than if you just feed and water 'em and walk away.

I can attest that spending too much time looking at one's plants makes it seem they are growing very slowly though....even when I command them to grow faster.
Yes, and no. Especially no for new growers. From time on this forum, it seems new growers who spend too much time with their plants are often tempted to start touching and adjusting things to the point that their plants end up unhealthy. E.g constant pH adjustment as opposed to just letting it be.
Haha I have talked to my seedlings a few times. It's ok to talk to plants but when you start answering for them then I would be worried.

Take it to a whole new level and start tibetan monk chanting ommmmm. I think they would very much appreciate that hahahahhaa.


I remember reading an actual scientific report that 1 hour in a sealed room enriches the co2 to optimum levels for x amount of time, not sure of the exact figures but I remember that it was definitely beneficial and did absolutely no harm.

I wondered if bringing a few dumbbells in there and knocking out a few reps would increase my respiration which would increase the effect, but found it is much easier to carry a 20lb co2 cylinder up the stairs 1 time every 3 weeks rather than doing weights every day.

Time spent with your plants is time well spent though, I talk to my girls every single day and tell them how beautiful they are, that I'm proud of them, and that they make me happy. I'll second what tip top says though, hanging out with the plants is fine but if it's in your nature to obsess over every brown spot on a leaf or every 1/1000th of a shade off optimal green and then try to diagnose and immediately treat it, then don't do it...both for your mental health and the plant's actual health.

Also, I'd toke up before you go into the room, not while you're in there. There's nothing additional in smoke that helps.


My buddy told me i should sit down, smoke a bowl, blow the smoke in my tent and talk to my girls everyday. is this true? if so what will this accomplish. he has been growing for a long long time and he grows some dank ass bud so im tempted to take his word for it.
I like the karma there.

OTOH, isn't it kind of like eating a big juicy steak while your pet steer watches you chew? . . . C r e e p y !!

My vote:

Talking: aye
Smoking & blowing: nay


Active Member
They say plants benefit from chit chat but I highly doubt it will really increase your yields at all.


Well-Known Member
Yes, talking to the plants does help in that it produces co2 and is noticable on a co2 meter. Smoking around the plants is a terrible thing to do, it clogs the pores in the leafs blocking transpiration..

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
My buddy told me i should sit down, smoke a bowl, blow the smoke in my tent and talk to my girls everyday. is this true? if so what will this accomplish. he has been growing for a long long time and he grows some dank ass bud so im tempted to take his word for it.
Smoking can leave a residue on your light bulbs, which may reduce their efficiency and life span
Dr. Jekyll

I don't talk to my plants as they tend not to listen, but I do talk to myself while tending my plants
Mr. Hyde