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  1. M

    ? For the pros.

    Oh ok this is a great website! thanks everyone
  2. M

    ? For the pros.

    This is the link.
  3. M

    ? For the pros.

    Thanks to everyone for your input. I read a report today that said 37 people had died from overdoses in Colorado. I wonder if it is true. I thought that it was impossible to overdose on something natural. What do you guys think of this true or false? Makes me think twice.
  4. M

    ? For the pros.

    Thanks, guys I will read more.
  5. M

    ? For the pros.

    Hello I was wondering if some one can he me out with my first grow. I started with seeds from a bag that I grabbed from a buddy. Everything is looking good so far but my worry is how much bigger is my baby going to grow. I don't know what kind of strain it is or if its indica or sativa. I have...
  6. M

    Greetings to all.

    Greetings to all.
  7. M

    Mewk's Tiny PC Grow #2 / 69w CFL / Soil

    Hey awesome job I was wondering though what kind of strain is that?