? For the pros.


Well-Known Member
Thanks to everyone for your input. I read a report today that said 37 people had died from overdoses in Colorado. I wonder if it is true. I thought that it was impossible to overdose on something natural. What do you guys think of this true or false?

little butch

Active Member
Anyone that says you can't overdose on natural things is stupid and a fool. Where do you think coke, heroin opium, and many, many other drugs come from?? Peace & be kind.


Well-Known Member
Thanks to everyone for your input. I read a report today that said 37 people had died from overdoses in Colorado. I wonder if it is true. I thought that it was impossible to overdose on something natural. What do you guys think of this true or false?

It's absolutely true !!!! Marijuana is a lethal gateway drug. For your protection (and that of everyone in your household) Make sure all of your bud is properly cured and stored in a safe location.....say my house. Gather up all of the dangerous drug you can find, I suggest canvassing the neighborhood too, all of the smoking devices, and mail them to me and I will make sure they are properly disposed of. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks to everyone for your input. I read a report today that said 37 people had died from overdoses in Colorado. I wonder if it is true. I thought that it was impossible to overdose on something natural. What do you guys think of this true or false? Makes me think twice.
Yeah i want a link as well.
no one has ever died via an OD of marijuana.
no one.


Well-Known Member
It's absolutely true !!!! Marijuana is a lethal gateway drug. For your protection (and that of everyone in your household) Make sure all of your bud is properly cured and stored in a safe location.....say my house. Gather up all of the dangerous drug you can find, I suggest canvassing the neighborhood too, all of the smoking devices, and mail them to me and I will make sure they are properly disposed of. :bigjoint:
Haha and i will assist you in destroying this "terrible, evil, sinful" plant matter!!


Well-Known Member
Anyone that says you can't overdose on natural things is stupid and a fool. Where do you think coke, heroin opium, and many, many other drugs come from?? Peace & be kind.
ohh this is fun lets see coke is made with what....gasoline? heroin and opium both come from the poppy....

Cant OD on cannabis.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i want a link as well.
no one has ever died via an OD of marijuana.
no one.

Okay for all the doubters and haters out there here is the link. And always remember children "if it's on the internet, it must be true".



Well-Known Member
Okay for all the doubters and haters out there here is the link. And always remember children "if it's on the internet, it must be true".

Chemical analysis of the deceased is in order.....and of the cannabis, till then its speculation.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
I was always confused on this. It's considered a sativa by most people, but the seed companies often list them as primarily indica. of 7 listed on SOS 3 are supposedly mostly indica, a couple just say I/S mix, a couple say sativa dominant. Bulldog seeds even says 70 % indica. So much for the strain names meaning shit. I'm beginning to think the whole seed industry is 75% bullshit myself.
"That seed you found in that weed you REALLY liked that is totally free and you have it in hand? That's bagseed garbage!!!!! Pay us about $30 (Hard to tell because it will probably be in a different currency) and wait four to six weeks (or forever) for a seed that looks identical to the one you have, but comes from weed that you've never actually seen. But TRUST us it comes from these specific plants we say it does, and it will grow EXACTLY like them. Whats that? It didn't grow like them at all? That's a phenotype! We didn't sell you some random seed with a fancy name that we knew you would pay more for! Never! Not us! We're not out to make money or anything! And how could we get away with that? You'd just take us to court.... ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO USSSSSSS"

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Theoretically you COULD overdose on cannabis... but I doubt anyone could actually do it. If we assume that the LD50 (the dosage that will have a 50% chance of killing you) for injected thc is the same for humans as for monkeys (although it is probably higher), it would be 128mg/kg, or about 58mg/lb. So for a 150lb person you would have to inject 8700mg, or 8.7 grams, of PURE thc to have a 50% chance of dying. And mind you you would have to inject it all at once, because thc is absorbed by serum lipids extremely quickly and that prevents toxicity. Also that is only for injected thc, taking it orally or smoking it would require over 6 times as much. So really, it is pretty much impossible to overdose on weed unless you are really REALLY trying to, by injecting over a quarter ounce of pure thc into your bloodstream through pretty much every mainline vein you have.