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  1. EZgoin

    Great Stoner Quotes

    A little while after me and my roommate had just smoked a bowl, he turns to me and says "I think I see better without my glasses when I'm high dude" I look at him and say "Really, that's pretty weird" There's a brief moment of silence as we sit on the couch watching TV and then he says "Oh shit...
  2. EZgoin

    Looking For A Site to Buy Glass

    Any suggestions would really help
  3. EZgoin

    Looking For A Site to Buy Glass

    I am interested in getting some new glass, but my local head shop does not have anything of interest to me. Plus, their prices are whack, nothing there is worth nearly as much as the price tag. So, I was hoping that I would be able to get a few recommendations on where to get some new glass for...
  4. EZgoin

    Healthiest Way to Smoke?

    While I agree that vape would be the best choice, it's not nearly as enjoyable for me to suck on a tube. Plus, the whole awkward "yo man, pass that whip" It just doesn't feel as relaxed. But I guess that's just me.
  5. EZgoin

    Healthiest Way to Smoke?

    wow, never would have put a joint over a bong. Thank you for that piece of info.
  6. EZgoin

    Healthiest Way to Smoke?

    Other than a vaporizer, what would you say?
  7. EZgoin

    Healthiest Way to Smoke?

    sorry.... bump
  8. EZgoin

    Healthiest Way to Smoke?

    I realize that there are probably tons of threads on this topic but I had some specific questions. I know that the obvious answer is going to vape, but I'm going to rule that one out because technically, you're not actually smoking it. Half the enjoyment for me is the art of smoking it. But...
  9. EZgoin

    My new roor!

    if you feel like wasting money on name brand bongs, then you need to buy a zong.
  10. EZgoin

    My new roor!

    So people by Roor because they are more durable? Is that seriously the main reason? Cause it seems a little silly to empty your wallet because you have butter fingers. There must be some other reason why people praise it, or is this just another classic case of conformity?
  11. EZgoin

    My new roor!

    Can someone please explain to me why everyone gets wet over roor? It's just a company! Okay, so they flip the R at the end, I guess that's cool. But seriously, can someone please explain why people praise them?
  12. EZgoin

    RIU Members at VTech?!

    My bad... I was high when I made this post. I was in that moment where I felt like I could say pretty much anything, and you guys would know exactly what I was talking about. I swear, me and my friend can have a full blown conversation just using the words "dude" and "worrddd"
  13. EZgoin

    Picking Out A Bowl

    What should someone interested in purchasing a bowl look for before they buy it? Also, do all bowls hit the same way, I know there are some hardcore Roor fanatics when it comes to bongs, stating that nothing is smoother. Is the same true for bowls?
  14. EZgoin

    RIU Members at VTech?!

    Anyone else? Just curious to see how many people actually toke here since they have a zero tolerance policy.
  15. EZgoin

    Glass Collection

    Sorry to do this.... bump
  16. EZgoin

    Glass Collection

    Wasn't sure if there was already a thread like this. I tried searching multiple phrases but I kept getting 0 results. If someone is better at using the search function could you paste the link if such a thread exists. Anyway, here's a chance to show off your glass babies.
  17. EZgoin

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Toasted :eyesmoke:
  18. EZgoin

    Stoner Jobs

    I am trying to get a job at the home depot with my friend. You guys think we'll me some fellow tokers as stock boys?
  19. EZgoin

    Stoner Jobs

    Where do you guys work? I am looking for a part-time job, but I want to work somewhere where a majority of the people blaze. Any ideas?
  20. EZgoin

    Park City, Utah

    Hey, does anyone know where I would be able to pick up a quarter in Park City? I'm here for the week skiing at the canyons and looking for some bud.