Stoner Jobs


Active Member
Where do you guys work? I am looking for a part-time job, but I want to work somewhere where a majority of the people blaze. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Well I wouldn't say a vast majority of my co-workers blaze but I sure as hell do! Web Design, keeps the creative juices flowing, even better if you telecommute.


Well-Known Member
Depends who's payin, I work for a local magazine doing simple photo editing and some website updates and get 12$ an hour (That's my steady paycheck). But I also do freelance/contract work on the side for various real estate companies redesigning and managing websites and I charge 20-25$ an hour for that stuff. However lately the freelance work is few and far between, I blame the economy (thanks bush).

But like I said, telecommuting is sick! If your a proactive stoner, being your owns boss is amazing.

I'm also a full time college student thought too, so this is all chump change compaired to what you can get with a 4 year degree. 60k To start as a Database developer is pretty common, great feild to get into if you can commit to a degree program.


Well-Known Member
man ur job sounds like the shit, i need to go back to school , i just dont kno what to go for since i dont want to stop smokin, advise would be nice


Well-Known Member
Bartender... Shit I live in a small town and everyone tokes..shit we once had over 10 people sitting in the bar blazin


Well-Known Member
line cook, been doing it for years raking in 11 to 13 per hour easy. stressfull but damn so much good food.


Well-Known Member
pretty much every1 who works in restaurant / fast food smokes, they got to, so they can deal with all the stress


Well-Known Member
My degree is in Dental Hygiene. I HATE it though....I have NEVER met a 'normal' dentist, they are all very strange....
These days I work from home, doing medical transcription. It used to be a great job, until they started sending work overseas. Now, it is slim pickings....


Active Member
I am trying to get a job at the home depot with my friend. You guys think we'll me some fellow tokers as stock boys?


Well-Known Member
yea man, everytime I ask someone for help at home depot they must be high cause I can never get a straight answer