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  1. C

    Plants sex

    alright but if i keep it will it and the females all give me the same amount of bud? i just gota pick the seeds out? after i get this crop im gona kill them all anywyas
  2. C

    Plants sex

    Im pretty sure i got 3 females and one smaller male, my question was will it be alrite to keep the male with the females if i only want one crop? or do the males not give any bud? and should i just kill it
  3. C

    How long how much

    theyve been out in about 10/ to 12 hours of sunlight eversince they first started they have been outside the whole time.
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    How long how much

    ya they look just like that, they just started getting the strong smell today though, about how much longer do you think it would take to completly bud? if you know
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    How long how much

    there outside and i got some but there from like 3 weeks ago and didnt have the white hairs then
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    How long how much

    I got 4 plants there all about 3 or 4 feet tall and all have the white hairs so i gess there female, i can see somthing that looks like a small start of a bud but i really dont know if it is its right next to the white hairs, how long much longer should it take to get some bud? and around how...
  7. C

    Green houses

    I just put my plants in some bigger pots today and there gona be in my back yard i live in florida so i dont gota worry about the cold or frost yet but i was wondering if it would be a good idea to get a green house that has like a smokey kind off film on it so that u cant tell whats inside i...
  8. C

    Question about set up?

    I need help with a complete set up for a hydroponics system.. i wana try and spend like 300 i dont know exactly evrything that i need i want about 5 or 6 plants and i need a list of evrythin i gota buy cause ive never done this before thanks
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    Hydro help?

    Ya i was planning on getting the seeds feminized either the big bud or the northern lights
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    Hydro help?

    So SH Hydroponics, Inc. > Bubbleponics™ 6 Planter Starter Kit that wouldnt be big enough would it?
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    Hydro help?

    oh alrite. thanks
  12. C

    Hydro help?

    thanks but what kinda nutrients to i need ive never used them before i really dont know exactly what to buy
  13. C

    Hydro help?

    I want to try growing with hydro and i need help with what kind of set up i need. what size light should i get? 250watt Hps be good? im planning on 6 plants. what strain of seeds are best for hydroponics and produce a large yeild but still have around 15% THC but not to expensive and whats the...
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    What do i need?

    This is my first time growing with hydro and i need help with what kind of set up i need. what size light should i get? 250watt Hps be good? im planning on 6 plants. what strain of seeds are best for hydroponics but not to expensive and whats the bestwebsite to get them off of? and what kind of...
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    Miracle grow

    I just planted my seeds in there last week the miracle grow wont mess it up will it?
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    Miracle grow

    Is miricle grow realy bad to grow in?
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    Question about lights

    Na i just looked it up again hps is for flower
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    Question about lights

    oh its hps for veg and mh for flower? i cant put a Mh bulb in Econo 400w HPS with Chrome Reflector - Inside Sun that right?
  19. C

    Question about lights

    ya the 48 inch long fluros arnt going in my box thats just for veg and i take the plants and bring them in my garage and lower the lights down to them thats just temperary though im either gona buy some veg CFLs or a Mh if i got enough money next time around for veg.. I got another question too...
  20. C

    venelation for grow box

    I seen a post on here that you could use a computer fan and attach a carbon filter to it to eliminate the smell of a small grow box.. my question was how do you connect a computer fan to a regular wall socet wire? i tryed and i either messed up the wiers or somthin and it sparked and now that...