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  1. H

    Does Cannabis Ruderalis/Spontanea has any THC?

    Yes, i dare to say. The Spontanea is a cannabis plant just like the Ruderalis .. Who have some intelligence, that only can hate you..because the shits you say ..headache
  2. H

    Does Cannabis Ruderalis/Spontanea has any THC?

    Okay, was maybe a little much but, looking at your RIU "rank" and that your posts nearly hits the 17thousand, i dare to say that you play a pretty big role here .. But srsly, Why we wanna play detective? Calm down bro, ic u have some blue blood inside u but u should not use it especially here...
  3. H

    Does Cannabis Ruderalis/Spontanea has any THC?

    Yes continue pls, Growing marijuana is illegal and your site has more than a thousand of users that growing marijuana thank to you and your site. So in some point of view you are an leader of a big illegal community. "Do want me to continue?" Y so serious?
  4. H

    what age did you start growing/ smoking?

    Smokin well 14 or earlier (i would say earlier..i dont remember exactly) and growing 21
  5. H

    How many gram do you smoke a day?

    That isnt that insane amount at all, especially if its on holiday then its tottaly normal to me,(if my math were right, thats 10 g a day) keep that in mind that theres a lot people who need more than the rest, not everyknow gets super high by a blunt per week GENETICCSSS
  6. H

    Lame jokes that are hilarious

    These are not lame, these are fukkin amazing (but i cant post it elsewhere so)
  7. H

    What pisses you off the mmost????

    When i smoke 2much and i forget what i was thinking or talking about when it was something really epic topic then i scream n destroy
  8. H

    Lame jokes that are hilarious

  9. H

    King of Cannabis

    racerboy72 is a celebrity now, gimme an autogram pls!!
  10. H

    Found this eating one of my (indoor) plants. What the HELL is it? It moved fast too!

    Wtf, well very crabby lookin U may found it here: Prolly an "Helmet Crab" but im not sure, may be some alien shit, coz u know, we r not..alone PS.: Is he/she at least get high? Lookin at the second pic i would say an very strong yes! That movin harder...
  11. H

    Does Cannabis Ruderalis/Spontanea has any THC?

    A little city/town close to Paris
  12. H

    Does Cannabis Ruderalis/Spontanea has any THC?

    No i didnt but thats how exactly looks like, it's a really large field with a lots of cannabis ruderalis or spontanea (because im not sure which one they are)
  13. H

    Does Cannabis Ruderalis/Spontanea has any THC?

    So, where i live, around me theres a pretty huge field with a numerous Cannabis, but they are not that type of cannabis what you think first when you hear the word cannabis. "Wild Marijuana" They dont get any care, nobody take care of them they just there, growing been years, they dont make u...
  14. H

    Is ordering seeds online really trustworthy?

    until i saw the original man this gay aint no kiddin, srs problems behind the person, prolly a psychopath, not sure tho, but one thing for sure, KW is a very interesting psychological case study for many reasons
  15. H

    Lame jokes that are hilarious

    Shit.. i'm so lame
  16. H

    Lame jokes that are hilarious

    The most groan-worthy but yet somehow hilarious jokes I've come across. - What do raspberries do when they play instruments ? They Have A Jam Session - Why did the baker stop making doughnuts? He got tired of the hole thing. - Why couldn't the flower ride a bike? The pedals fell off...
  17. H

    Isn't a rip-off scam?

    Dont fck wit me guys or otherwise
  18. H

    Isn't a rip-off scam?

    The fuck i just asked a simple question, all u guys 2 paranoid
  19. H

    Picture of your pet thread !!!
  20. H

    Strongest strain

    Alright thanks the infos. Any threads here that tells u how to make your plant/weed/strain more quality? So i mean stronger, because as tip top toker said too "Best way to find good strains is just to find a good breeder." What techniques out there that can make ur weed better, stronger and...