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    Al B. FAQt

    my rickwool cubes appear to be very dry in my DWC setup......i have not seen any nute burn yet but i se rockwool and hydroton pebbles have white residue ( i am assuming salt from nutes) and look very dry what should i do
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    rockwool cubes appear dry

    the rockwool cubes i have are in net pots with hydroton pebbles and are in a DWC.....the rockwool appears to be very dry on top. The roots and pants all look healthy....should I worry about the rockwool being dry???
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    DWC need help

    ph is between 5.8 and 6.0 I have no PPM meter GH nutes and rockwool in hydrtoton grow rocks
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    DWC need help

    no it was def the height of the light cause the two i added after lowering the lght are not experiening there any way to save the strecthed ones or should i germ more
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    DWC need help

    guys i need some suggestions these plants are strecthed and I need to know if I can do anything to fix that
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    DWC need help

    I got the light down close now, but its been a couple days and the two bad ones show no signs of improvement. Anything I can do further to fix or is moving the light gonna work but just take time???
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    DWC need help

    yeah they def loook strecthed.....any way to fix it?
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    DWC need help

    I got a 150 watt HPS and two CFL's and they are both about 12 inches from plants......i am using GH nutes
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    DWC need help

    Don't have a camera so i can't provide pice but they still look healthy still growing leaves and no discoloration in the leaves of roots
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    DWC need help

    I have had my DWC system running and plants in it for about 10 days now.......they all started off great but now I have the two largest beginning to droop and lay over.....I don't know if I had the light too far away to start or if I didn't give enough nutes.....but now I need to fix the problem...
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    seedling help

    you can't even see leaves on is just tall with shell on top
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    water level on DWC

    ok i know one person said at least 1" airspace between the water level and bottom of net pots....but i just saw two people with the water level up to and beyond (slightly) the bottom of net pots.....please clarify???
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    seedling help

    I have four sprouting in rockwool....two of them are about an inch and a half high but still have shell on top....should you remove seed shell or will it right itslef?
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    water level on DWC

    In a DWC system how close should the water level in rez, be to the bottom of net pots???
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    Submersible pump question

    ok so the bulkhead fitting.......for fill and drain fitting or for the overflow?
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    Submersible pump question

    What is the flood and drain fitting? Can I just connect the hose from the sub pump up through into the grow tray or do I need a special fitting???
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    Submersible pump question

    I have the room built, it is just a closet. Now my problem is I keep going back and forth about which type of system to use. What should be used for the overflow drain? Will the water really flow back down through the pump and into the reservoir? And should I use pots in the tray or just...
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    Submersible pump question

    I really appreciate the help man, but I have one more request Could you expand upon it a little further, I mean I have never used flood and drain and need as much help as possible.....I got six seeds germinated and ready to plant so the the sooner I get this and get it built the
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    Submersible pump question

    Could you show me, or point me in the direction, of a easy to build flood and drain system. With materials and instructions?
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    Submersible pump question

    ok.....i get you now ok so if i had a simple setup for a aero,DWC, and flood and drain systems I am a beginner at hydro, done soil several times but first time hydro (well with chronic anyway) Which you reccomend?