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  1. MountainSmoker

    What Do You Think about Black Berry?

    An ounce for $325, was gonna go for the Q at 1100 but I was $200 short, so I ended up 3 for $900, had some Romulan and Purple Orangutan. All were excellent, Romulan was the best, though the Blackberry was still stellar.
  2. MountainSmoker

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    Ha the tags to this thread read, "live, black, widow." I'm not single but I'd be down to accommodate you for a night, if you're ever in the Inland Empire :blsmoke:
  3. MountainSmoker

    What Do You Think about Black Berry?

    Don't know if that seed company is responsible for the Blackberry floating around Northern CA but if it's the same shit it is some damn dank smoke. The last time I smoked Blackberry, I was also pretty buzzed on good beer, the woman at Albertsons asked me if I was OK, and told me it looked like...
  4. MountainSmoker

    How do i go about growing an apple tree?

    Apples take several years, go buy a juvenile one as mentioned. If you grow these seeds you can resell em in a few years for big dollars. Got some hippie buddies we used to buy weed from also used to sell all kinds of plants and trees, bonsai trees, all kinds of shit, organic teas and homemade...
  5. MountainSmoker

    Any DJs Or Wannabe DJs In This Piece?

    Scratchin is some sick shit. Been known to cut up the instrumentals. Got some good Shadow, Alchemist, and J. Rawls shit on my music page, my buddy has these on vinyl as well and we cut it up. My buddy is sick as shit with it and has been doing it since we...
  6. MountainSmoker

    Hello everyone

    Cant wait to see em :joint: I did my first grow journal for Overgrow, an older cannabis forum, like this (schwag seeds in packed dirt, under a 44w reptile lamp HPS, lol). Make sure to save 7 bucks for a for a magnifying loupe, so you can get some closeups of that dank nug when it finishes up...
  7. MountainSmoker

    Medical Strains

    Herijuana is narcotic, excellent for pain. Romulan is great for anxiety and stuff like that. Top notch, hall of fame strains. These are the strains that come to mind when I think medical.
  8. MountainSmoker

    kush and other anti-anxiety strains

    Sativa dominant strains tend to cause anxiety or racy heart, stay away from stuff like OG Kush and Lemon Kush. You would want the more indica dominant Kush strains. Bubba Kush is probably the most widely available indica dominant Kush. Purple Kush is stronger, but the real deal is hard to...
  9. MountainSmoker

    Trying to find purple wreck and purple kush

    Purple Kush is available from a few different clubs in CA. I cant vouch for each club's cut, but I know one just outside of Los Angeles with the real deal. I'll get the address for that club if you want.
  10. MountainSmoker

    To All CALI Members Prop 5

    Will be voting yes :eyesmoke:
  11. MountainSmoker

    California Voters

    I'm voting no on 8 because of how shady the yes ads are.
  12. MountainSmoker

    nyc diesel---soma seeds

    No, I'm sure there is good stuff in Reservoir stuff, seems to be legit brand name stuff, his business practice is suspect though.
  13. MountainSmoker

    Rap shit the bed... do you agree?

    I don't quite understand this sentence. I obviously like several artists, I listed at least 4, that you quoted yourself. This logic is questionable. Why look into something that annoys you? When you hear a shitty rapper, do you go and download his music? I think you took my post as a personal...
  14. MountainSmoker

    Anyone who lives in CA i need your help!

    Thats why I suggested calling some doctors before hand to make sure it wasn't an issue. Many of these doctors give out the cards all the time to people without ailments, and they know damn well. Either they're just incredibly herb friendly, or theyre getting a chunk of the $150 appointments...
  15. MountainSmoker

    Rap shit the bed... do you agree?

    What genre am I bad mouthing? Hip hop? Rap? I've been listening to rap ever since I accidentally bought "It Was Written" when I was 9 years old, it is my favorite genre. I assure you I've heard hours of Little Wayne and TI, and I assure you my ears were open when I heard it. They are garbage at...
  16. MountainSmoker

    nyc diesel---soma seeds

    I wouldn't shoot for the Reservoir types IMO, Rezdog sucks. Soma is 10x more respected.
  17. MountainSmoker

    Anyone who lives in CA i need your help!

    Just call up the doctor you plan to use beforehand. Tell them you've been living with family here in CA for about a year now, and that you only have NV identification. You'll find one who agrees within the first 3 tries, if not the first try, these doctors want their money too ;)
  18. MountainSmoker

    Rap shit the bed... do you agree?

    You're saying rap shit the bed, then list the mainstream rappers that are responsible for shitting the bed? Little Wayne, TI, Kanye, this is the bunch of tired lameasses that make radio rap not worth listening to. This is what we're talking about in this thread. I remember turning on the...
  19. MountainSmoker

    nyc diesel---soma seeds

    Sour Diesel is potent but the high is short lived, and I hate stopping every 20 mins to roll up another one or take some more rips. I've had Sour D from the med clubs all the way to the NorCal growers, never had SD that was anything special. NYC Diesel is very potent, smells better IMO , and...
  20. MountainSmoker

    Anyone who lives in CA i need your help!

    You have to be a CA resident to get an ID card, although the doctor I went to never asked for any state ID. Edit: By CA resident, I mean yeah you do have to have a physical address in the state.