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  1. BeachSide321FL

    $50 DIY Activated Charcoal Filter - Works Great!

    Just made this today. I already had the 5 gallon bucket and duct tape - so all I needed to purchase was the carbon and splatter screen. I just used a big knife to cut out the bottom and my new carbon filter is in action. This is perfect for my closet, I don't have a tent. It hangs in the corner...
  2. BeachSide321FL


    This "Fireball OG wax" is from the southern part of Ca.
  3. BeachSide321FL

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    A withhold of adjudication is not a conviction. A withhold is a term used in sentencing in which the judge orders some sanctions, but does not formally convict the defendant of a criminal offense. Therefore, the defendant does not receive the consequences from a conviction in a criminal...
  4. BeachSide321FL

    About to chop the AKR or Afghan Kush Ryder

    The first pic is a headband and she's about 20 days into flower. And then the Afghan Kush Ryder is about 64 days old...
  5. BeachSide321FL

    About to chop the AKR or Afghan Kush Ryder

    I'm surprised this plant survived due to the poor quality soil. This is my first Auto, just a little girl. This is an early sample I got to enjoy a few days ago below. Very frosted out with trichs as you can see, very resinous and sticky. Smells wonderful, tastes...
  6. BeachSide321FL

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    Agreed. I wonder if they will have me go once a week or once a month.. My bet is on once a week. That's awesome you overcame that, I'm sure it wasn't easy.
  7. BeachSide321FL

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    Wow. So I just got off the phone with my lawyer. I can't go to jail. If I go to jail, I will be a convicted felon. If I take the probation, I will have adjudication withheld. He was able to negotiate 9 months probation as long as I don't mess anything up. Apparently if you go to jail...
  8. BeachSide321FL

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    Thank you for clearing that up Commander Douche
  9. BeachSide321FL

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    Thank you for your understanding. Yes we are all human, and humans make mistakes. It's how we learn from those mistakes that makes us who we are today. I'm already a better person that's for sure. Don't worry I never did steal in the passed and was always one to despise thieves. I have been...
  10. BeachSide321FL

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    I talk to my lawyer who I can't afford in about 15 minutes. I'll let you guys know what he was able to accomplish for $2,000.00 after I speak with him just in case anyone is interested.
  11. BeachSide321FL

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    I'm not asking for sympathy... and I would assume that most do not feel bad for me. I committed a crime and now I'm paying the consequences
  12. BeachSide321FL

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    Yep, this is very true. Thanks for your comment. The last time I was arrested for weed was over 5 years ago.
  13. BeachSide321FL

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    "You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later." Oops!
  14. BeachSide321FL

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    When you grow up in a very small town where the police are very corrupt and pull you over for a tag light out... it's very easy. They can also search my car without any probable cause. If I say no they call the dogs, the dog will then "knock" on the car allowing them to search the car. Plenty of...
  15. BeachSide321FL

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    Awesome story. Thank you for sharing. I'm glad to hear you moved forward and never looked back. That's my plan and it's already in action. It's public record here. If the employer wanted to they could do a quick google search and see everything. Like I explained though in the first post, I...
  16. BeachSide321FL

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    Love this post. My lawyer suggested I take an impulse control class prior to anything so we can have that on file to help when he negotiates with the prosecutor. This class changed my life. The man teaching it was in his 70's and retiring. That would be his last class. He said "Now I know you...
  17. BeachSide321FL

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    That's exactly what I'm doing. I just wanted to open-up and see what everyone had to say. I appreciate every comment really, negative or positive. Like I said before the positive will always overcome the negative.
  18. BeachSide321FL

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    Exactly! Great post. She wasn't exactly a close friend, we were nominated and won prom King and Queen in middle school. Anyways, all of my friends who know me better than her - they support me.
  19. BeachSide321FL

    Going to Jail - Charged with Grand Theft :(

    Thank you very much for sharing. I appreciate your honesty. I don't blame her really, I just wish I had a chance to maybe explain myself or? She has a family now and I'm sure she doesn't want anything like this around her children. Thanks again.