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  1. ECOrganix

    New Start. NL5 X MKush, Hashberry, and White Widow

    So things seems to be turning around. Figured out that my RO system may have developed some algae in it, probably from me not purging the system after I replaced a filter. Not sure if this was the cause...but...figured out my well water comes out around 5.9-6.2pH. I'm use to city water and...
  2. ECOrganix

    New Start. NL5 X MKush, Hashberry, and White Widow

    Thanks. Read through the link. Like the way its laid out. Looking like Nitrogen toxicity, potassium deficiency, and copper deficiency at something beyond nutrient problems is going on. I'm going to go start flushing all of them now. I'll let you know how it goes.
  3. ECOrganix

    New Start. NL5 X MKush, Hashberry, and White Widow

    Thanks Bud Big. What else seems to be bugging them in your opinion? I'm running soil and have been been using 6.5-6.8, after adding nutes to the water. This batch had a rough start...germinated in 2inch rockwool cubes under a cloning dome...HUGE stretch right out the gate. Then when I...
  4. ECOrganix

    New Start. NL5 X MKush, Hashberry, and White Widow

    and some more pics. Took a few of each plant.
  5. ECOrganix

    New Start. NL5 X MKush, Hashberry, and White Widow

    Thanks man. I got a few doing that. Tried to take some more pics of whats going on with the leaves...let me know if you need something else.
  6. ECOrganix

    New Start. NL5 X MKush, Hashberry, and White Widow

    Thanks man. I'll post some new pics later on today. I'm thinking of mixing a talespoon/gal of epsom salt and adding a few cups to each later. I read somewhere that leaves cupping upward means they need mag...I had been adding in Cal/mag to my RO water so thought I was covered...
  7. ECOrganix

    New Start. NL5 X MKush, Hashberry, and White Widow

    I just moved into a new place and have some room to start growing again--legally:) Had a bit or trouble with my water before I installed an RO system. Also had a faulty pH meter that resulted in some issues for me early on. Luckily everything basically recovered. Now I think I'm just dealing...
  8. ECOrganix

    Running my first Hempy--Hashberry

    JD, Nice! Satori is awesome. Got anything going now?
  9. ECOrganix

    Running my first Hempy--Hashberry

    I read it somewhere and then read that it works just as well with 100%perlite, just requires more frequent watering than the traditional 3:1 (perlite:vermiculite) so I decided to run perlite only to help eliminate an extra bag of stuff because I'm growing in a rather small area.
  10. ECOrganix

    Running my first Hempy--Hashberry

    All the stalks look similar in color so I just took one close up: These Hashberry are all from seed and its looking like 8/8 are female (from non-feminized seeds). Kind of bummed about this cause I was hoping to replenish my seed stock but o well.
  11. ECOrganix

    Running my first Hempy--Hashberry

    Here is what the Hashberry is looking like today: Sorry, I know the pictures aren't great, but I don't have a lot of room to get good angles. Will probably take each plant out and photograph separately next week. They are overcrowded and stretching as a result, I will be adding in some...
  12. ECOrganix

    Running my first Hempy--Hashberry

    And right now I'm running pH between 5.9 and 6.1. So exactly what everyone seems to be saying now. lol Much better results than that rough week I had.
  13. ECOrganix

    Running my first Hempy--Hashberry

    JD, I'm running 100% perlite. I heard that the vermiculite just caused problems and left a sludge at the bottom of the bucket, so went the 100% perlite route instead. As for Mag, right now I'm adding in 3mL of Cali-Magic and 6mL botanicare sweet berry per gallon at every feeding for Mag. Not...
  14. ECOrganix

    Running my first Hempy--Hashberry

    Will definitely be doing that next time. Thanks!
  15. ECOrganix

    Running my first Hempy--Hashberry

    lol, yeah after fixing my pH problem things seem to be going much better. I'm adjusting the pH after adding nutes to 5.7-6. Smoke, just curious as to why you increase the pH during bloom? Is it for increased P uptake?
  16. ECOrganix

    Running my first Hempy--Hashberry

    Been an interesting time getting use to these hempy buckets and seeing how the plants responded. I read some bad advice on this site, dont remember where, but it said to drop my pH to 5.3 when watering.......WRONG!!! So I have sense corrected that error and transplanted them into 1 gallon...
  17. ECOrganix

    Running my first Hempy--Hashberry

    Here is what everyone is looking like so far. Feeding so far: 12/13/2013--mixed 8-10drops of Rapid Start, 1mL Iguana Grow in 2/3 gallon of water--everyone got a full cup. Foliar sprayed with the same solution. 12/16/2013--mixed 5-8 drops of Superthrive, 5.5mL Iguna Grow, 2mL voodoo Juice, and...
  18. ECOrganix

    Running my first Hempy--Hashberry

    So I have decided to switch over from soil to hydro and am using a hempy as a stepping stone between the process. I did two rounds of germination one 18 days ago and the other 10 days ago and have transplanted them into solo cups done up hempy style. Coming from soil, I am not use to having to...
  19. ECOrganix

    Seed starting for aero/First time grower

    The jiffy pucks have always given me trouble,though that probably has something to do with how old they were. I have had great success with Rapidrooter plugs (my preference) and Rockwool (make sure to soak the rockwool in pH 5.0-5.5 water before throwing the seeds in). I adjust the pH before...