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  1. MurphDurph25

    Shit its 420!!! everybody post here if u high

    God I love the holidays
  2. MurphDurph25

    Bump If You're Baked!

    i second that notion:clap:
  3. MurphDurph25

    One person you would NOT smoke with!

    the Oxy Clean guy. He's almost as annoying as the sham wow guy.
  4. MurphDurph25

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Been awake since 6:30 last night because I've been to sleep I needed to bump this threadbongsmilie
  5. MurphDurph25

    xbox360 gamers

    My gamertag is the same as my user name. MurphDurph25. I mainly play COD 4 (I have WAW but i dont like online as much) and NHL 09.
  6. MurphDurph25

    Murph's First Grow

    No, no cops. Just some people that didn't want me growing. I am respectful of the decision, but........I'm also planning ahead ;-) as well as drowning my sorrows in smoke right now:joint:
  7. MurphDurph25

    Murph's First Grow

    My grow got busted last night 2 weeks into. Sorry but no more growing for Murph for a while haha.
  8. MurphDurph25

    Murph's First Grow

    Day 6 All 3 plants have started to get their second set of leaves. I would post pics but my camera doesn't want to cooperate right now.
  9. MurphDurph25

    Murph's First Grow

    Update: Each baby now has its own light. Hopefully they will progress a little bit quicker now.
  10. MurphDurph25

    Laced J? Help please...

    I feel like that a lot when I smoke...
  11. MurphDurph25

    Wild bird seed

    You should send a bag of that stateside :)
  12. MurphDurph25

    My First Grow

    You ask and you shall receive :-P
  13. MurphDurph25

    Murph's First Grow

    Day 4 That's not a discolored leaf, it's actually dirt that got stuck when it sprouted. Also, to feed my fix to be intoxicated I'm drinking some yummy beer since I have no money for good right now. :( I miss being high....screw not getting paid yet....and bills :weed:
  14. MurphDurph25

    Murph's First Grow

    I put some seeds in a wet paper towel inside a cup a week ago just for shits not thinking anything would happen. To my surprise most of them ended up with tap roots so I decided to plant them. I'm not looking for much yield, but rather learning from it. I'll be happy to be able to smoke...
  15. MurphDurph25

    My First Grow

    The leaves have filled out a lot more since I took those pics last night. I'm hoping to move the whole grow box into my crawl space when I get the time simply because when they start flowering it will be easier for me to do something with the smell as well as I'll have a little bit more space.
  16. MurphDurph25

    My First Grow

    I just started my first grow just about a week ago. I used the paper towel and cup method until I got 1/4" tap roots then I planted 3 or the 5 in soil and have had them under CFLs since this past Thursday. Just doing everything I can to not screw them up, but it's a learning process. Here are...
  17. MurphDurph25

    is this site running real slow tonight?

    Probably something with the hosting company. My site runs real slow when theres a problem with the host site.
  18. MurphDurph25

    My First Plant ;]

    I have 3 right now a little bigger than yours. It'll be cool to see how ours compare to each other. Right now yours looks good!
  19. MurphDurph25

    Wild bird seed

    Wow. That's interesting.
  20. MurphDurph25

    Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!

    Thanks gallo. I know it it early for nutes. I just wanted to be prepared for when it was the time. I'll look into everything. Thanks alot.