Murph's First Grow


Active Member
I put some seeds in a wet paper towel inside a cup a week ago just for shits not thinking anything would happen. To my surprise most of them ended up with tap roots so I decided to plant them.

I'm not looking for much yield, but rather learning from it. I'll be happy to be able to smoke anything from these:weed:

Right now I've got 3 plants under some low wattage CFLs with an oscillating desk fan blowing on them in my closet

Planted in soil 9/25.

9/28 - Day 3



Active Member
Day 4
That's not a discolored leaf, it's actually dirt that got stuck when it sprouted.

Also, to feed my fix to be intoxicated I'm drinking some yummy beer since I have no money for good right now. :( I miss being high....screw not getting paid yet....and bills :weed:


Killa Man

Well-Known Member
Hey good luck man! Im definetly gonna be following this one, my plants just a few days older than yours. Yours might be growing a little faster tho. Hope it all works out!


Active Member
Day 6

All 3 plants have started to get their second set of leaves. I would post pics but my camera doesn't want to cooperate right now.


Active Member
No, no cops. Just some people that didn't want me growing. I am respectful of the decision, but........I'm also planning ahead ;-) as well as drowning my sorrows in smoke right now:joint: