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  1. High Rise

    Can I cut these leaves to provide more sunlight?

    I agree with above, many 'scroggers' will trim away big fans, others will tie them, personally I do what the guy quoted above suggests...trim the leafs down without actually removing them completely, I know a few outdoor growers who do that too, trim those big leafs to a shorter round shape, it...
  2. High Rise

    UK And Ireland Forum Sub-Category Request.

    We dont get out in our kilts much down here in Kent but we do like to wear our bowlers at every opportunity :-)...... the combination of the two would make quite a fashion statement though!
  3. High Rise

    Update: 14 days 12/12 Fem PPP

    Very nice indeed, a quality CFL grow. I'll be following to the end. Lets show them what CFL's can REALLY do :-)
  4. High Rise

    First Grow Outdoor UK

    Lovely harvest mate, typical of outdoor buds but nothing whatsoever wrong with that! Love that dark purple. Sorry to hear about your back problems, I know how that feels! Wounded in action, but well worth the sacrifice :-) I hope you enjoy every bit of that lovely harvest, thanks for posting...
  5. High Rise

    heat problems and electreic bill problems solved!!!!

    There we go again, same old thing...CFL's v HPS :-) Its up to personal choice, back in the seventies everyone was growing under flouros and happy to be doing so! You're all spoilt thesedays, but seriously quality will NOT suffer under CFL's but you got to pack em in and get the buds very close...
  6. High Rise

    UK And Ireland Forum Sub-Category Request.

    Cheers Baz, but it was specifically the newer 'blue' spectrum (6500kelvin) of CFL I was after and theyre hard to find. Anyway, managed to find em for less than £6 each on the link below...30watts energy savers = 150watt. Mixed with the CFLs in the warmer white spectrum (2700's) they give full...
  7. High Rise

    UK And Ireland Forum Sub-Category Request.

    I tell you what I've noticed recently, the US guys seem to pick up bits and pieces for next to nothing from those stores! Daylight spiral CFL's (the 6400's) for example..... its hard to find the bloody things locally over here and when you do they want a fortune for them. Over here its B&Q's...
  8. High Rise

    Having Some Problems

    Don't panic mate :-) They really dont look too bad to me, nothing that they wont grow through. You can always tell the stages of early problems even at the end of a grow as those tell tale signs remain, kind of like a soil core sample where you can read the changes over the years if you get my...
  9. High Rise

    UK And Ireland Forum Sub-Category Request.

    Afternoon all :-) Another UK member here, south UK, refugee from HG420 (what the hell happened there!), long time grower, recent caution for cultivation.....50 years old, 30 years since first discovering the wonderful herb and it finally hapened! Live and learn and all that.... UK section would...
  10. High Rise

    pot size in relation to yeild?

    He's right in some respects, an OZ from a small plant under CFL's would be pushing it I agree, BUT I've seen (and smoked) some VERY fine CFL grown herb in the past, every bit as good as HPS grown herb IMO, dont ever think quality will suffer with CFL's! I've sampled some beautiful G13x strains...
  11. High Rise

    First Grow Outdoor UK

    No problem GB, I'm going to watch this thread and see those lovely buds finish! Re the bust, well, not the happiest of experiences :-( I'm 50 years old and been a canna campaigner for many, many years but luckily first time in trouble so got off with a caution, but its hard to watch them chop...
  12. High Rise

    First Grow Outdoor UK

    iLoveit, Choose early strains and let nature do the rest. Want you need are a good August and a settled September. Its lovely to watch those trichs glistening in the rain! Point is that even UK weather can produce very nice stuff, these plants are incredibly resilient. I've grown outdoors &...
  13. High Rise

    First Grow Outdoor UK

    Hi greenbehemoth, Newbie to this forum but long time grower (10 years) and also in the UK. Just had to say how nice that bud looks, even if it is a little early. Also wanted to say that bud will still be very good to smoke. Last year I had to cut an outdoor Northern Lights bush in week 1...