Having Some Problems


Well-Known Member
growpsace - i had the yellow problem last time wit the same strain
and didnt know what to do so thanx for the tip, leaves this time round
are looking lush =)

littleTommy - thanx man, yeah i was surprised cuz i heard allota bad
news about Halogen and it fucked my last 2plants up the first time
i tried to grow but with my new plant it seems to be going alright but the
others were alot bigger when they started fucking out so we'll see =/
as for foliar feeding, what are the benifits and downsides to doing this?

thanx for all your help guys =)
will post pics soon of my mates plant in curing, same strain grown


Well-Known Member
when the leafs turn yellow that means its Nitrogen Def. yellow tips and little brown circles on the leafs id Mg Def.

High Rise

Active Member
Don't panic mate :-) They really dont look too bad to me, nothing that they wont grow through. You can always tell the stages of early problems even at the end of a grow as those tell tale signs remain, kind of like a soil core sample where you can read the changes over the years if you get my meaning. Back right off the nutes, get a steady watering regime going etc and let it recover. I'm not big on PH testing in soil but its as well to get a reading just so you know where you are with it. It looks to me like a touch of over fert though. If you decide to add mg I'd always go with a foliar spray, avoids salt build up in the medium, if MG's an issue a foliar spray will correct it within 24 hours, but I dont personally see mg def there. Just my observations there.

Oh, and as said by others, get shot of that lamp and get some 'daylight' (6400/6500k) CFL's for vegging :-) Hope this helps.

Long time grower, refugee from HG420, nice to be here :-)



Well-Known Member
Thanx for all the help guys, its really made a difference :mrgreen:
its seems things are going much better now and the problem
has been solved, shes about 35cm now and just shot up after
this weekend so ill be flowering her soon hopefully. will post
pics as soon as possible.


Well-Known Member
heres some pics of how my plant looks so far, its been about 5days in flowering and things are still going good. The first pic though is a problem i noticed that just happened over night and im not sure what it is, looks like a dark hardening of the leaf tip on one of the lower leaves. And the second picture looks like female hair growing?...could this be? please can someone confirm. Thanx in advance guys :weed:



Well-Known Member
yeah, that's what i have
from what people have been telling me
it's some sort of mold from humid airflow
is your growbox/closet somewhat hot?
like, if you put your hand in the area, the air feels thick?


Well-Known Member
^ if that's the case
you need to get some fresh air blowing into your growbox/closet
ASAP, or else the molding will spread & worsen

good luck


Well-Known Member
ahh...now that make sense! i thought it was bugs but there aint any and the air is sorta warm when i put my hand in so ill take care of that ASAP! thanx allot RastaCourage!


Well-Known Member
no problem
i'm also, still learning :)

when you spray your leaves & see strings of web on your stem & nodes
those are spider mites, other bugs can be noticed fairly easy (not all though)
just keep a clean grow room & clean up any soil droppings on your floor
or anything, you know, doesn't belong in the room

best of luck, to you


Active Member
I had some of that white powdering as well but at the time my humidity was very very low. Like 30-40. It also happened after i sprayed my seedlings for the first time. It sort of wiped off with my finger. My guess was some residue after the water evaporated from the leaf - minerals or whatever. It stopped happening to me so I'm not so worried anymore.
Best of luck


Well-Known Member
so shes into her first week of flowering right now, no major changes can be seen so far, ill probably know in few days or so if she is actualy a he...but i doubt it... :roll:
heres how she looks right now, any advice on how to get the
best optimum flowering results are welcome :mrgreen:

