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  1. T

    please help. my bottom leaves are drying up and falling off. heat burn? bugs?

    yeah... my intentions were to keep it incredibly SMALL. I live in an apartment complex and I'm not trying to grow a tree. Just a project for fun and my first attempt ever. thanks for the bull shit instead of help. started with the neem yesterday, thanks.
  2. T

    please help. my bottom leaves are drying up and falling off. heat burn? bugs?

    Tips are drying up and curling under. Issue starts at leave tips and grows up the leaves. starts at bottom of plant and travels up. Checked PH at 6.7 and temp is 73F. There are little white flies that live in the soil and only surface when watering and do not seem to gather on the actual plant...
  3. T

    dehydrated leaf tips as well as dropping and curling

    Tips are drying up and curling under. Checked PH at 6.7 and temp is 73F. There are little white flies that live in the soil and only surface when watering. No discoloration. please help guys, I don't know what it could be. Wont let me upload photos