please help. my bottom leaves are drying up and falling off. heat burn? bugs?


New Member
Tips are drying up and curling under. Issue starts at leave tips and grows up the leaves. starts at bottom of plant and travels up. Checked PH at 6.7 and temp is 73F. There are little white flies that live in the soil and only surface when watering and do not seem to gather on the actual plant just in the soil. No discoloration. please help guys, I don't know what it could be.



Well-Known Member
Whiteflies, and or fungas gnats,, best removed with Neem Oil

to my journal ..

URGENT: is that mold on the stem lower down on the first plant....? if so it may be powdery mildew and toxic to your plant, dampen a kitchen towel with 10% bleach to a cup of water and wipe the stem thoroughly, also spray with Neem Oil also as Neem helps palnts avoid mold issues, back tx ..."V"


Well-Known Member
This is one of the worst plants ive seen on here. Looks like not enough light, probably over watered, not enough veg time, containers too large. It has grower error written all over it. You might pull a joint or two of crap off of it. Id start reading riu journals and start another one when your more confident you know what your doing.


New Member
yeah... my intentions were to keep it incredibly SMALL. I live in an apartment complex and I'm not trying to grow a tree. Just a project for fun and my first attempt ever. thanks for the bull shit instead of help. started with the neem yesterday, thanks.


Well-Known Member
don't know what happened to your bottom leaves. could be this. could be that. my advice is to keep an eye on your plant and concentrate on the new growth which is an overall indicator of plant health.