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  1. grill

    Aussie Outdoor 08/09

    This is my 1st bagseed grow about 7weeks along, started inside under cfls as when i germinated sydneys weather was horrible, shes outside now, LSD'd and toppd, i live in a unit and want to keep it semi stelth last count about 6-7 colas. She didnt like the transition to entirely outside i live...
  2. grill

    any one whos made hash!!!! thas the link, i was kinda close bah.
  3. grill

    any one whos made hash!!!!

    i saw a good evap method on here a few weeks back it went something like this.. freeze what ever you want to turn to hash blend that shit up with some ice and put it in a glass then when all the water evaporates (over time) you scrape the sides of the glass and wa'lahh (something like...
  4. grill

    Is this Bad?

    all plants need oxeygen, your plant gets none in that fish tank bro.
  5. grill

    growing welll. what do you think?

    the outdoor plant is 1/3, 2 others just like it, im thinking i mite start to flower one of them soon, thinking itl be like a test flower, thats if its fem.
  6. grill

    New Neighbor

    yeh man definatley bro down with them, if their 50+ they were alive in the 60's they will no what the smell is blah blah but yeh if you can make friends with them you can suss em out, yeh who knows they mite even be smokers. but yeh you have every reason to be suss and so do they. goodluck brah
  7. grill

    first indoor grow lots of pics and more to come

    well done bro, still seeing alot amber for an early chop, looks a success. may i ask what method you used to achieve all those colas? im assuming just bending and taming from all that string i see??
  8. grill

    growing welll. what do you think?

    Some updated photos of my babies, the first is the plant that has been enjoying both sunlight in the day and cfls at nite. recently bent over and pruned lower fan leaves to give the new growth more light, and the second is entirely outdoors and ive basically just left to grow by itself besides...
  9. grill

    Removed a lot of "leafage"

    the hate for triming fan leaves is so fucking broard on these forums. man my bagseed sativas lower fan leaves were looking unhealthy yet their was new healthy growth at the nodes, i trimmed the fan leaves off allowing the new growth to get more light and now its fucking powering sann. So any one...
  10. grill

    Great moisture obsorbtion!

    sometimes i i have moist
  11. grill

    Great moisture obsorbtion!

    The last house i lived at i had a real problem with moisture and alot of my clothing begain to get mold spors on it. To combat this problem i purchased one of these babies from the supermarket (cheap), and it werkd amazing, with in 2 weeks it had extracted almost 700ml of water just from the air...
  12. grill

    What can i do with these leaves?

    dry em out and use em for spin insted of tobacco?
  13. grill

    What to do with young plant budding early?

    you might be able to take a clone of that plant and put it back in to veg state by increasing the light to around 18 hours and let the original plant continue to bud and harvest it when ready. increasing the light the clone recieves will prevent it from going in to flowering i recomend you look...
  14. grill

    Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

    Great grow journal mate,i just read all 74 pages of this thread and made me all the more excited yet i have a long way to go. this is where my cfl by night and sunlight by day bagseed sativa is at taken today i hope i end up with a resault like yours FT, congrats again mann.
  15. grill

    Outdoor dwarf plants

    what strain sativa are they? the younger photos look very similar to my sprouts and im unsure of strain. looking very tite but man, i plan a similar sized grow.
  16. grill

    Banana Method?!?

    i tried the bannana next to my seedling and it ended up stinking my room out and it hadent even rotted it wasnt a rotten bannana smell or even a bannana smell it was like a fruity chemical smell- i know nothing of the science.
  17. grill

    outdoor grow with indoor catchup?

    coupla photos 1st is indoors at night under cfl and outdoors in the sun throught the day and the 2nd stays outside.
  18. grill

    outdoor grow with indoor catchup?

    Recently upgraded to a 20w cfl 6500k 1040 lumens and the indoor/outdoor is powering! increased growth rate probly due to the almost 24hour light and folage has darkened, but im thinking its definatley a different strain to the seedlings growing only outdoors they are definatley a darker green...
  19. grill

    how bad is the smell of 5 plants?

    i think you mean how good is the smell of 5 plants
  20. grill

    outdoor grow with indoor catchup?

    G'day everyone from Australia. i have a question about a grow method i have been trying out and want to know if its actually worth it Ok so i have 3 babies growing outdoors 2 of the seeds are from a different batch but all will continue to be grown outdoors but the single seedling different...