Banana Method?!?


Active Member
i tried the bannana next to my seedling and it ended up stinking my room out and it hadent even rotted it wasnt a rotten bannana smell or even a bannana smell it was like a fruity chemical smell- i know nothing of the science.


Well-Known Member
you are supposed to replace it before it gets too bad bro
the reason why it rots is because it is loosing\converting to\this chemical
they make bags that absorb it so it makes the fruits last longer ya digg


Well-Known Member
Well I've had a banana in with some seeds for over a week now and I can attest to the fact that bananas have some kind of fly eggs in them because the ones I left out brought tiny little flies into my house.

Interestingly the bananas I left on the counter have long since been discarded because they aged but the banana I've got in the plastic bag with the seeds is only just starting to look old. I'll germ them tonight and we'll see how they come out, if I get a better than 50% female ratio. Of course a single experiment proves nothing; it could be a statistical abnormality, or the strain itself is more disposed to females, etc.


Well-Known Member
anything that is decaying will atract friut flies. leave a half full beer on the counter for a couple days, same thing.
kludge you should get better than 50% no matter what or i wouldn`t be buying those seeds.
i keep saying the safest and most prven way is buying from good breeders and having good genetics.
i just sexed my cheep 50 buck dutch treats and only got 1 male out of 10, no they are not feminized.


Junior Creatologist
i got 15 free fuckin seeds from attitude all chillin in bags with nanner peels. One pack of G13 super skunk or whatever the fuck they are have been with peels for almost 2 weeks. One pack has been in there for a little over a week. My free power skunk seeds have been in there for like 3 days or some such shit. So after 3 months of doin this to my seeds, ill grow them all in one shot. Ill let you know if i get 15 females. Its the ultimate test....

and in order to do this scientific like, you would need to have 2 growers, growing the same amount of seeds, and growing the same strain, out of the same medium ,with the same nutes, same lighting, ect. One person is the Control - growing their seeds without the nanner peels, regular style. Teh other grower is the Experiment. starting his seeds at the same time, using the same technique, same lights ect. If they get the same results, its all a crock of bullshit. If the other grower gets a higher ratio, then you know its legit. But you cant do it with just 5 seeds though. No two seeds are exactly alike. you would each have to do like 10-15-20 seeds each, and then you would be able to see where the difference really lies/doesnt lie.

Im down to do it with someone in three months, but im sure everyone will forget about this shit in 3 months and wont be ready to start at the same time as me. Im gettin my fuckin shit ready for three months from now, so if anyone has a long enough term memory, and wants to do this with me, holler back. Well keep the thread alive, and come back when were ready to grow. Call it a competition, or just an experiment. Im taking on allcomers. :D


Well-Known Member
so you would have someone move in with you to do this. it wouldn`t work doing it in different environments.
to many things would be different. whats in each others water. the actual same bag of soil or whatever the medium. and on and on.
and the biggest 1 test wont prove anything


New Member
This is actually exciting..imagine the odds of ALL the plants being female..then it cant be just a coincidence,cant it?I hope the theory actually works man..wither way,when I get my seeds,Ima use the banana method me when I say there are growers who SWEAR by it,claiming all their seeds have been female for some years in a row!!So,I think it works...ethylene has been proven to make cucumber seeds with a higher female ratio...alot higher!!!


Well-Known Member
hm...ive heard the banana method works sometimes, and ive ALSO heard you can use birth control pills and desolve them in a glass of water, and let ur plants germ in a paper towel thats been soaked in the water. but i havent tried, it just read about it and the cannabis grow book (2nd edition) lol


Well-Known Member
imagine the odds of ALL the plants being female..then it cant be just a coincidence,cant it?
Yes it can be a coincidence. In fact that is the very definition of a coincidence; two or more things without any causal relationship happening simultaneously. Like if your door bell and phone ring at the exact same time or all your pot plants turn out to be female.

Though I do find it amusing how people use the definition of a coincidence to deny the very existence of coincidences... ;)


Well-Known Member
Oh, and I've grown out all ten of my Ak48's now and they all turned into...

... banana trees.


Well-Known Member
i am interested to see the results of this, i would try but i got a couple of good mothers going right now but when i start my search for a new mom this would rock if it worked


New Member
OK screech to a halt here. First I don't know how much you guys know about birth control pills, but the estrogen varies from week to week. The 4th week of the pills are placebo pills, there is no estrogen in them. Back when birth control pills first came out there were only 3 weeks of pills. No pills were taken on the 4th (period) week. Women would forget sometimes and fuck up their pills so manufacturers started putting in the "4th" week of pills, which do nothing but keep you in the habit of taking them.

Carry on ....... :blsmoke:

hm...ive heard the banana method works sometimes, and ive ALSO heard you can use birth control pills and desolve them in a glass of water, and let ur plants germ in a paper towel thats been soaked in the water. but i havent tried, it just read about it and the cannabis grow book (2nd edition) lol


Active Member
OK screech to a halt here. First I don't know how much you guys know about birth control pills, but the estrogen varies from week to week. The 4th week of the pills are placebo pills, there is no estrogen in them. Back when birth control pills first came out there were only 3 weeks of pills. No pills were taken on the 4th (period) week. Women would forget sometimes and fuck up their pills so manufacturers started putting in the "4th" week of pills, which do nothing but keep you in the habit of taking them.

Carry on ....... :blsmoke:

I dont think they vary in estrogen levels week to week...

but the last week of the pack is nothing "sugar pills"