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  1. Gageblackwood

    Crazy deficiency or burning? PICS!! I cant figure it out!!!

    alright, im just using drops to measure ph, so the readings arent precise, but i generally know the right orangy-yellow color that puts its right around 5.8. I CAN guarantee it has never been higher than a pure "yellow" reading (6.0), and its never been more orange than yellow, indicating a 5.5...
  2. Gageblackwood

    Crazy deficiency or burning? PICS!! I cant figure it out!!!

    ph has been constantly 5.8. its really never dipped below 5.5, or risen above 6.5. i see the Phosphorus deficiency signs, i just dont know why. temps arent too cold, the nutrient is in the system, and the ph should certainly allow for phosphorus use. this plant has had this problem its whole...
  3. Gageblackwood

    Crazy deficiency or burning? PICS!! I cant figure it out!!!

    Hello all, thank you for stopping by, any help is greatly appreciated. I have been trying to do my own research in identifying the problem and am thoroughly stumped. I am an amateur grower with only 2 successful grows under my belt, and by successful i mean i got something to smoke out of it...
  4. Gageblackwood

    First DWC/White Russian ------Advice please...

    damn, i gotta spread some around...
  5. Gageblackwood

    First DWC/White Russian ------Advice please...

    HOT DAMN! last time i looked at this thread you were nowhere near this. I am thoroughly impressed. I see you are a desert dweller as well, i definitely need to steal your cooler idea after winter. those are some GIATN colas. Much rep to you, for your first grow.
  6. Gageblackwood

    My first DWC setup. Stealth closet style. Pics! Nirvana Blackberry/others

    Been several days since ive had a chance to update. Busy work week, not to mention trouble struck my garden. Not sure what the hell is going on, i fear pythium. which will mean i will be starting over from bagseed in no time if thats what these poor babies have Basically, i came home to find...
  7. Gageblackwood

    My first DWC setup. Stealth closet style. Pics! Nirvana Blackberry/others

    Wish i had some pics for you guys, but that will have to wait for tomorrow. Im still away from my babies, but girlfriend keeps me updated. They are all doing great. Im sad that i will have to sacrifice a couple of them, but it simply is the most sensible thing to do. Its for the good of the...
  8. Gageblackwood

    My first DWC setup. Stealth closet style. Pics! Nirvana Blackberry/others

    WOOHOO! roots in the water on 3 pots!!!! the most mature one still hasnt even shown her second set of true leaves, yet her root is a good 4 inches in the water! feeling VERY good about this, im not even using anything but distilled and r/o water at this point! All of the remaining seeds have...
  9. Gageblackwood

    My first DWC setup. Stealth closet style. Pics! Nirvana Blackberry/others

    alright. another question i cant find the answer to. do i need to worry about my ppm being too low? my rez is nothing but R/O and distilled water, about half and half. Im saving up for a nice ppm meter, but for now im going by just ph, and sensible use of nutes. for now im not going to use...
  10. Gageblackwood

    My first DWC setup. Stealth closet style. Pics! Nirvana Blackberry/others

    to those sub'd, sorry for the lack of updates. im going to try to keep them very regular. except of course while out of town, or like this weekend while at work. Not sure when ill get a chance to post more pics. hopefully before i leave. Anyhoo, first seedling is looking great. Looking the...
  11. Gageblackwood

    My first DWC setup. Stealth closet style. Pics! Nirvana Blackberry/others

    I actually had a piece on the seed. after it pushed it out and was no longer covering it anyway i simply removed the piece. Ive been carefully watching the plugs. the rez definitely seems to be keeping them moist. I was gonna wait until there was some growth before i cover them. Thats why i left...
  12. Gageblackwood

    My first DWC setup. Stealth closet style. Pics! Nirvana Blackberry/others

    woohoo first seed finally cracked into view! not a blackberry but yay! light was seeping into the rez more than i realized, so i had to bust out the roll of electical tape. patched up the spots that i could see were leaking light and then realized, the duct tape wasnt blocking ALL the light...
  13. Gageblackwood

    My first DWC setup. Stealth closet style. Pics! Nirvana Blackberry/others

    Anyone starting a dwc, or that has recently, post links to any grow journals or threads dedicated to them. id love to have some time references.
  14. Gageblackwood

    My first DWC setup. Stealth closet style. Pics! Nirvana Blackberry/others

    Awesome. I cant tell you how much i appreciate all the help this dinky little thread has already gotten. I am definitely staying positive with this one. like i said its more of an experiment anyway. But, i am trying to keep it as simple as possible, as i know that is a big key with this stuff...
  15. Gageblackwood

    My first DWC setup. Stealth closet style. Pics! Nirvana Blackberry/others

    still not finding much on different strains in the bucket. Ive now started to wonder a lot about how that will go. Cant believe i didnt think about all the different elements on that one. I dont mind the light adjustments and funky setup i might end up with as they grow differently. Finding...
  16. Gageblackwood

    My first DWC setup. Stealth closet style. Pics! Nirvana Blackberry/others

    meant to have a couple extra pics on that. too hasty to smoke a bowl...
  17. Gageblackwood

    My first DWC setup. Stealth closet style. Pics! Nirvana Blackberry/others

    Oh and here is that light setup i mentioned earlier. very simple. super cheap bathroom style light fixture. then take a cheap 2 prong extension cord and cut off the female end. Strip the two wires a bit and wrap them with the ends of the fixture wire. Then use either caps or electrical tape to...
  18. Gageblackwood

    My first DWC setup. Stealth closet style. Pics! Nirvana Blackberry/others

    really i will have trouble with different genetics in the same bin? never even crossed my mind other than strain size etc. but makes sense. Is it just purely for the way they may grow differently? or will they actually be bad for each other?
  19. Gageblackwood

    My first DWC setup. Stealth closet style. Pics! Nirvana Blackberry/others

    woohoo, this post is starting to give me the positive energy and info i was hoping for! As much discretion as this hobby requires, its nice to have some portal to outlet some of the giddyness that comes with it. I have definitely seen the cooler-style grows. Believe me, if this tub works at all...
  20. Gageblackwood

    My first DWC setup. Stealth closet style. Pics! Nirvana Blackberry/others

    Glad to have a follower! Light and temp are definitely on my mind with this one. It looks like when the setup is under the powerful 125 watter, there was actually some light leakage through the hydroton. I rinsed some more and added as much as could fit in the pots to help it. Got rid of 99% of...