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  1. Threefingerlid

    having tons of trouble and really considering dumping my whole garden and starting over

    Waying in. Got to keep it simple in the beginning or forever. Basic mix and add perlite if needed, bit of bagged compost or worm castings. Some bone meal and fish fertilizer and away she grow. And your plants don't look that bad really,finish them off for sure. I'd like to see all the 26 watters...
  2. Threefingerlid

    Mix It Up Or Stick With One Strain?

    Lots of good advice. No matter what you are winning by growing your own, never get tired of the process. One strain great, should be consistent. Me I always run three or four different ones ( depending on my moms) as I like the variety of my wares and it kind of toys with my tolerance too. And I...
  3. Threefingerlid

    Newbie(Old guy) needs advise

    Best of luck with your quest for medical freedom. I saw my wife on Oxy for pain and it left her often feeling lost and suicidal. Like your greenhouse approach to growing as well. I would start your known genetics now to take advantage of all the supplies you have already purchased. The free...
  4. Threefingerlid

    Will someone evaluate this Sativa

    Well I hope it turns out to be great stuff as your yield is looking to be small. Plants look nice and healthy so my guess is genetics. I have found I need to be ruthless in selection of worthwhile sativa phenotypes. Some may produce small returns while others want to flower forever. Good luck.
  5. Threefingerlid

    Any hope?

    Ohh maybe. Make sure your seed soil is evenly moist when they are this size. Try very gently propping it up with a tiny stick carefully move a little soil to support it. Give it the light and leave it alone. You'll know soon enough if it is going to survive. Good luck.
  6. Threefingerlid

    First scrog grow, when should I flower her?

    Yes totally get onto flowering with only 30-40 cm of height left. The initial stretch can be surprising. Plant looks great too, well done so far. Enjoy.
  7. Threefingerlid

    Not sure When to harvest?? 11 1/2 old AUTO PURPLE (pics inside)

    Agree with above, hang the whole girl up, could take a week on the line. Soon too as I see some browning leaf tips which are kind of annoying in your carefully finished product. Looks great, enjoy your work.
  8. Threefingerlid

    Im new to this please HELP me out.

    Yes but don't ramp up your light and therefore heat and not keep your soil moist or those fragile sprouts can perish. Good luck.
  9. Threefingerlid

    First grow ever.. Is my setup good for 3 plants? Advice and comments please!

    That works out to 119 watts/ ft2 so yes it will totally work. But with growing one thing leads to another so the concerns above about heat- ventilation and likely odour will need to be addressed once the girls are up and growing. Ideally this is planned out first but the grow show process takes...
  10. Threefingerlid

    How many lumens do I need?

    No matter how much light you throw at them it pales in comparison to the full sun that's coming. So hardening them off to all things outdoors is the biggest factor. IMO. Anyways so as much cfl as you want to invest in based on budget, future plans for use, etc. I would like to use at least 40...
  11. Threefingerlid

    What am I doing wrong? please help

    Good luck man that poor thing looks like its in toxic soil or something. Don't overwater keep bright light shining and don't feed it a thing. And maybe cross your fingers!
  12. Threefingerlid

    Ready for the Chop?

    Well you have come this far so don't short change your yield by rushing to finish. Can't agree more with above comments that at least three weeks will make your girls look better. So hard to be patient when ones stash is low. Good luck. Oh and I'm a big fan of flushing as well.
  13. Threefingerlid

    what is better for a scrog grow. SATIVA OR INDICA?

    IMO sativas are a natural fit as well for a scrog. It's an effective way to weave a dense canopy of bud sites and can control the stretch that comes with flowering. There are so many people doing amazing training, super cropping etc. that it's hard to keep up with new ideas. As always a fun time...
  14. Threefingerlid

    How to get huge, dense, sticky buds using CFLs - ONLY!

    I'm running about 88 watts a square foot in my micro grow flowering space using cfls and a 150 watt Hps security light ( cheap!) This setup allows me to scrog a couple of sativas at the back and to grow 5-6 mostly indica girls up front. Great fun and gives me way more than I really need. Nice...
  15. Threefingerlid

    Sativa Sea Of Green

    Agree with above comments. I manage to grow sativa dominant Thai Lights and a Haw x Cotton Candy in my micro grow but only via a scrog type setup. Easy to finish them under 30 in. especially if you start 12/12 when they are quite small. You know tough love stuff.
  16. Threefingerlid

    Is she done?

    Totally flush time as it ain't growing much more. Healthy mad green colour too. I agree plain water for a bit, couple days of darkness and let the harvest commence. Enjoy, they look tasty!
  17. Threefingerlid

    100w cfl harvest - have a look ?

    A week to ten days for sure especially with the long stalks. I'd manicure them now too but that's just what I do. I don't use any fans as I have low humidity but the dark is best I agree.
  18. Threefingerlid

    flowering help with 2 plants

    Your description does make them sound riper then the earlier photos above. Has the growth of the buds really slowed down or now building calyx towers then the end is near. Seed company dates are at best ball park times especially depending on light levels, etc. As far as impacting the high at...
  19. Threefingerlid

    flowering help with 2 plants

    Have to agree a few weeks for sure. The fun but crazy sativas can just keep on flowering. Buds look nice, maybe next time train those tall girls into S shapes,circles whatever you warn with twist ties etc. Lets you focus your lights on the canopy to thicken up the buds and maybe even develop...
  20. Threefingerlid

    re vegging after flower ?

    I find that as long as I leave enough plant after cutting it like a low hedge and not taking it to extremes at harvest it always seems to work for me. What I mean is that once I have decided to reveg I don't max out harvest until spent as I can take future clones as far as I want next time. I...