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  1. C

    From good to bad in an hour (hydro)

    Still hand dipping, I will alternate between the two. I have a airstone in my nute res. Thanks for all the advice guys, wouldn't be as far as I am without it!
  2. C

    From good to bad in an hour (hydro)

    wow! how did I over look that, amazing after all the reading I've done I over look some of the more minor things
  3. C

    From good to bad in an hour (hydro)

    Well it's been 4 days and I'm seeing very SLOW growth. This plant is now technically 5 weeks old and it's growing slower than the seeds I germ'd a week ago! There is also some yellowing on the tips of the leaves and the leaves are not dark green. Could it be the light? It's a 400w HPS, but...
  4. C

    From good to bad in an hour (hydro)

    5.8-5.9. the two main fan leaves and a couple smaller ones dried up over night, but there is still some growth, looks pretty sad. I trimmed the dead leaves off so more light could get to the small growth underneath.. switching to no nuts did seem to help though. Looks like she (hopefully)...
  5. C

    From good to bad in an hour (hydro)

    will try that, looking really bad, think it might croak.. will only use ph'd water if it makes it through the night
  6. C

    From good to bad in an hour (hydro)

    wilting even more a couple hours later.. I suppose I'm just going to let it sit there and hope for the best and stop checking on it every 5 minutes :(
  7. C

    From good to bad in an hour (hydro)

    My first grow and my first major problem. Moved under a 400w HPS (makeshift street lamp) about 3 days ago. I've been hand dipping the pot into the nute solution that is 1/2 strength, h202 and ph'd to 5.8. small rockwool cube and clay pellets only in the pot. Temps fluxuate between 83-89f...
  8. C

    7 day old seedling problem

    there is one main root coming out of the bottom of the cubes, some have some small roots branching off. I only did one feeding of nutes. I'll put them closer to the light as well and see if that helps. oh I read the faq, but I thought I remember seeing somewhere that after you see roots you...
  9. C

    7 day old seedling problem

    Hey everyone, hoping for some insight here. These seeds were germinated on the 10-15 in paper towel, moved to 1" rockwool. on 10-18 they looked almost like they do now, without they curled leaves. They're under 2 21watt cfl and 1 20 watt on the side. they sit about 12" from the light. temp...
  10. C

    Al B. FAQt

    Is there a reason you haven't set up a flood table for your clones? I got 5/5 germination from bag and are now in RW cubes. But from what I understand it's going to be 2 months before I can sex. And being lazy (which you claim you are :) ), I don't see why one would spend the time hand...
  11. C

    Al B. FAQt

    Great ideas about the clone box. It's only 15" in total height, looking at your clones (which I can only hope will be as large and healthy) are about 10". So I suppose that will be plenty of space. What size light would you suggest for the main flowering area?
  12. C

    Al B. FAQt

    Al, Let me first start off by saying, thank you for the amount of time you've spent helping others here. I know I've spent countless hours reading your suggestions (all of the cloning and 2 week thread) and I really do think this setup is the one that makes the most sense. I've decided to do...