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  1. J

    The Jad3d 150 Hempy Grow___________(Sleestack & Devil's Weed)____(Detailed Pics)

    love the hash burner lol looks cool did you make it yourself ? and your grow is coming on nice btw !
  2. J

    J's 72w LED / 150w Halide First time indoor grow.. lets see what happens

    things seem a bit on the slow side =/ hoping it starts to fill out soon
  3. J

    J's 72w LED / 150w Halide First time indoor grow.. lets see what happens

    for now they seem fine, will see if they hold out the week lol
  4. J

    J's 72w LED / 150w Halide First time indoor grow.. lets see what happens

    It's not the cash, its having to go out and source it I can't be arsed with
  5. J

    J's 72w LED / 150w Halide First time indoor grow.. lets see what happens

    Id have to get bulb holders etc.. all money ! Annoyed that I have a spare led tile but its on the blink, can turn it on and sometimes it works.. other times it cuts out as soon as you turn it on and makes a bit of a fizz :S
  6. J

    Critical Hog Pics Day 68 Flowering + Pink Kush Harvest Pics

    Northofengland which site was this ? Sounds good to me !
  7. J

    J's 72w LED / 150w Halide First time indoor grow.. lets see what happens

    Bit the bullet and cut 2 of the same plant.. its one of my better plants that are under the led tile back right, it had the most growth to take cuts, I just hope they survive, they were cut then scraped a little with a scalpel before dipping in root powder and planted in a propagator and left on...
  8. J

    J's 72w LED / 150w Halide First time indoor grow.. lets see what happens

    i cant see anything I really want to cut lol
  9. J

    The Jad3d 150 Hempy Grow___________(Sleestack & Devil's Weed)____(Detailed Pics)

    What ever your going to do please separate it asap, I wouldn't want to see them both go to seed.. all it takes is to miss one or two pods and its game over
  10. J

    Side Lighting!

    Those LEDs look great for the money, how many are you using on your grow ?
  11. J

    Side Lighting!

    I like the idea and have thought about doing that my self, a lot run 1000w HPS so your only 200 over them.. the t5 units I would maybe only light 3 sides leaving one side for easier access and maybe downsize the sides to 3ft units ? With the right spectrum bulbs it would be fine
  12. J

    J's 72w LED / 150w Halide First time indoor grow.. lets see what happens

    Grabbed a seedling tray and root clone powder so will look at giving it a go
  13. J

    J's 72w LED / 150w Halide First time indoor grow.. lets see what happens

    What's the smallest you would take off ?
  14. J

    J's 72w LED / 150w Halide First time indoor grow.. lets see what happens

    Yea I need to get some rooting gel, ill grab some tomoz then
  15. J

    J's 72w LED / 150w Halide First time indoor grow.. lets see what happens

    I'll throw a pic up of one or 2 plants tomoz and if you guys could tell me where to take from I would appreciate it
  16. J

    J's 72w LED / 150w Halide First time indoor grow.. lets see what happens

    So I take a clone and then re veg this cutting ?
  17. J

    J's 72w LED / 150w Halide First time indoor grow.. lets see what happens

    Even when they have started growing flowers ? Looking st my pics where would you take one from ? I'd be a bit worried i would stunt or sow growth ?
  18. J

    J's 72w LED / 150w Halide First time indoor grow.. lets see what happens

    Started flowering around the 19th Feb first pistols around start of march if I remember right ? So I'd say 2 weeks in ?
  19. J

    J's 72w LED / 150w Halide First time indoor grow.. lets see what happens

    Yea I wish I had cloned before i forced flowering, with it being my first grow and it being bag seed i'm learning as I go.. im going to read up about re-vegging as I don't know too much about it but heard it can be a long process
  20. J

    g-13 haze for my learning experience

    Looking good :D