J's 72w LED / 150w Halide First time indoor grow.. lets see what happens


Well-Known Member
no prob you can take a clone from a flowering plant as long as its not more than 4 weeks it makes it alot easier to root and have it re-veg


Well-Known Member
be careful about overwatering.. seedlings are very easily over-watered. due to the humid environment the plants will be vulnerable to mold so be sure to open the seed tray at least 1 time per day to exchange fresh air.

keep a steady light source that isn't changing intensity or distance.

be patient. it could take 3 weeks
Bit the bullet and cut 2 of the same plant.. its one of my better plants that are under the led tile back right, it had the most growth to take cuts, I just hope they survive, they were cut then scraped a little with a scalpel before dipping in root powder and planted in a propagator and left on the floor as lights where about to go out, havent thought through lighting tho :/ need to get these under 18-6 tomorrow as there in the with the 12-12 lot
Id have to get bulb holders etc.. all money ! Annoyed that I have a spare led tile but its on the blink, can turn it on and sometimes it works.. other times it cuts out as soon as you turn it on and makes a bit of a fizz :S